Гаряча пора

in Ukraine on Steem4 months ago

Ні, я не про температуру повітря, хоча у нас кілька днів трималася справжня літня спека. Останнім часом моя активність у Steemit дещо зменшилася. Це в основному видно за запізнілим коментуванням і паузою у публікації WOX Blogosphere Magazine. А все тому, що зараз дуже гаряча пора для тих, хто займається сільським господарством.

Кінець весни додав до городніх робіт також і сінокос. Але спочатку потрібно було зробити місце для нового сіна, оскільки залишилося дуже багато торішнього. Для цього потрібно було перекинути частину старого сіна кудись, де його буде зручно взяти і використати для поточних потреб. Така робота супроводжується підняттям страшної пилюки. Довелося навіть скористатися захисним респіратором, бо неможливо було працювати через постійний кашель. Проте робота в респіраторі теж не дуже комфортна штука, дихати в ньому доволі важко, але в мене є досвід роботи в протигазі, а в ньому дихати ще важче.

Сіно в нас зазвичай косять на початку червня, але цьогорічна рання весна призвела до того, що вже у травні ми скосили сіно і скидали його у копиці.

Паралельно потрібно встигати обробляти городи. Найбільше дошкуляє боротьба з бур’янами, доводилося кілька разів сапати картоплю. Цього року я не використав проти бур’янів жодної краплі хімії, тому врожай точно буде екологічно чистим.


Порпаючись у землі, я зустрів супергероїню Леді Баг, але вона не захотіла мені викликати Супершанс 😁


Ну і нарешті, потрібно було підгорнути картоплю. Кажуть, що завдяки цій процедурі картопля пускає додаткове коріння і врожай збільшується.

Для підгортання картоплі я використовую супер девайс - ручний плужок.


Мені потрібно було трохи попрацювати замість коня 🐴, бо я тягнув плужок. Зате робота йшла швидко і ефективно:


Дощу не було вже доволі давно і утворилося безліч дуже твердих грудок, які як могли ускладнювали мені процес. Та я їм не піддався 😀. Результат виглядає так:


Тепер грядки з картоплею стали ось такими:


Це означає, що про картоплю можна на деякий час забути. Єдине, що залишилося, це боротьба з колорадським жуком, але цього року на диво його чомусь ще немає. Зазвичай після теплої зими він вилазить із землі дуже швидко і поїдає навіть зовсім молоді рослини. Цього року схоже в жуків є якісь важливіші справи або вони полетіли додому в Америку.

Оце був такий короткий екскурс у моє сьогодення. І оскільки мені потрібно ще йти возити сіно з поля, то я буду завершувати свій допис. На завтра прогнозують дощ - ось коли буде більше часу почитати що нового відбулося у Steemit 🙂.


A lot of hard work, but it will be more and more rewarding to grow your own food. At least you know what's in the fruit and vegetables. Or, more importantly, what it doesn't contain.

This hay stacking is great. How did you fix this hay tower so that it doesn't crumble? Just with the two wooden posts? Or is there another "scaffolding" underneath?

 4 months ago 

How did you fix this hay tower so that it doesn't crumble?

This is a whole art that my father is good at, but I didn't learn everything from him, because we lived in the city then and I never thought that fate would take me to the village. If you look at the hay tower from afar:


then you will see that there is a wooden pillar inside the tower. It is the foundation that holds everything together. Outside, I prop up the hay with extra supports because I was my father's bad student 😁.

In fact, everything here is brilliantly invented. The hay is as if sitting on a pillar, it should not even touch the ground (which I never manage). Air circulates under the hay tower and penetrates into the space between the hay and the pillar. In this way, the hay dries in two days, if the weather is not rainy.

but it will be more and more rewarding to grow your own food

Of course, everything can be easily bought in the store, but growing your own vegetables is like some kind of tradition. That's what my parents did, and before them their parents, etc. Besides, we have a war. I thought that store shelves would be emptied, as they were during the Second World War, and it would be necessary to count only on our own stocks. But this war is different. Our country is not isolated from the world, and many countries maintain economic relations with us, despite everything. Therefore, store shelves were somewhat empty only in the first days of the war, then everything stabilized. Only the share of imported goods increased significantly.

Ah, ok. From this perspective, you can see the secret of this technique. Basically simple, but effective. You just have to know the tricks.

store shelves would be emptied, as they were during the Second World War, and it would be necessary to count only on our own stocks.

Sad, but true. It was no different in Germany at the end and a few years after the war. The inhabitants of the rural regions were still relatively well off because they at least had the opportunity to produce their own food. City dwellers went hungry.

Only the share of imported goods increased significantly.

That's the only reason why the globalists and their political henchmen in Brussels and Washington are constantly pushing this war forward. Profit! They don't give a damn how many people suffer or die as a result.

In a war, there are no winners among the normal population. Only the shareholders of arms manufacturers, who sit in posh clubs far away from all the misery and celebrate their earnings, benefit from it.

These idiots openly say that "we" will fight to the last Ukrainian, but they don't ask the population whether they want this at all. Neither on one side nor on the other. In Germany, it has already got to the point where demonstrators who take to the streets for a peaceful solution are beaten up by the police. I don't know ANYONE who wants war. No matter where in the world.

 4 months ago 

If the West stops supplying weapons to Ukraine, then peace will prevail, but it will be fatal for us. We realize that then we will be systematically destroyed, one by one. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of evidence for this.

If we make peace on the current front line, then we are not without reason afraid that Russia will rearm in a few years and the war will start again.

We want so much for peace to come, but for us to feel at least a little bit safe! The situation is complicated.

If the war-mongering West had not initiated the coup in 2014 and pumped Ukraine full of weapons since then, none of this would have happened. The West has broken all treaties and agreements since the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany in 1990 and the British (Boris Johnson) have prevented the peace agreement in Turkey from being finalized.

Ukraine and its people are the pawns of Western financial and geopolitical interests. This was all foreseeable a decade ago and was one of the reasons why I emigrated to South America. Back then, everyone told me I was a nutcase. Today, the situation is worse than anyone could have imagined and the threat of nuclear war is just around the corner. The war profiteers from overseas are not only shitting on the Ukrainian people, but also on Western Europe.

The situation is complicated.

Word! I hope it doesn't come to a total escalation, because there are no winners in a war like this. At least not among the ordinary population.

 4 months ago 

If the war-mongering West had not initiated the coup in 2014

It is a pity that you speak in the words of russian television. If you had heard about Ukraine before, you would know that back in 2004, the Ukrainian people rose up against Yanukovych and, despite the terrible falsification of the elections, did not allow him to come to power. It was called the Orange Revolution, it was the first Maidan. Then there were no victims only because the asshole was not yet in power.

In 2014, the situation was repeated, but now the russian litter had to be thrown from the throne. He was stupid enough to shoot his own people. Why did the people revolt? The situation was very tense due to constant oppression and lying under russia. All that was needed was a spark. That spark was Yanukovych's rejection of associate membership in the European Union. This outraged the entire youth, and a day later the entire conscious part of the population of Ukraine. What you call a coup is a Revolution of Dignity. This is a coup only for russia, China and Iran, as well as for those who want to live in the reality created for them by the russian propaganda machine.

All our people want is for russia to stay away from us. We don't take anything from them, we just want to go our own way. Even if Europe does not need Ukraine in order not to have unnecessary problems, we will still not be with russia, but will build a democratic country. You don't know what it's like to live under russia, it's better not to live at all.

It is a pity that you speak in the words of russian television.

Nope. This is information from the entire global South, a personal contact who lived in Kutejnykowe until 2017 and then fled from the Azov Association and two German bloggers who regularly report live from the front.

My family (grandparents' generation) was separated after WW2. One part was in West Germany, the other behind the Wall in the GDR. They were happy and had wet dreams when the wall came down. Today, many wish the Wall back because the EU leadership is a bunch of totalitarian nutcases and all countries have to submit to the dictates of Brussels. Germany in particular is really fucked up by this brood.

Mass migration of criminal, illegal immigrants, destruction of the economy in Europe in the interests of the USA, indoctrination of children with transgender insanity, beatings by the police if you demonstrate for things that don't conform to the state ideology, even imprisonment if you have the "wrong" political opinion, hardcore censorship and suppression of free journalists, etc. etc.

If that's your dream. Welcome to the EU.

but will build a democratic country.

If that's what you want and you don't want a fake democracy simulation, like in Germany for example, then leave the EU alone.

I get questions from friends and acquaintances every day about what it's like here in South America. Not because they are afraid of Russia, but because they are afraid of their own politicians.

And that's not Russian propaganda, it's reality.

 4 months ago (edited)

until 2017 and then fled from the Azov Association

I am very glad that Azov is considered omnipotent and omnipresent 🤣. Do you know why Azov was demonized? Because it consists of volunteers, people who deliberately gave up everything and went to fight, it is the flower of the Ukrainian people.

They were happy and had wet dreams

We had wet dreams after the collapse of the damned USSR, but now we are much more realistic.

Mass migration of criminal, illegal immigrants, destruction of the economy in Europe in the interests of the USA, indoctrination of children with transgender insanity, beatings by the police if you demonstrate for things that don't conform to the state ideology, even imprisonment if you have the "wrong" political opinion, hardcore censorship and suppression of free journalists, etc. etc.

Every second pedestrian in russia has an Asian appearance and hardly understands russian. Don't scare me with immigrants in Europe.

I was in russia and in Europe, I can compare the collapsed economy of Europe in the interests of the USA and the economy of russia. I would like to see our economy also "demolished" in the interests of the USA.

even imprisonment if you have the "wrong" political opinion

It is good that russia will bring with it the free expression of opinion that contradicts the authorities .

You have no idea how many of my relatives and friends russia killed during the USSR and continues to kill now. It is unlikely that anyone will understand why the resistance will continue here, even if they do not give us weapons.

If that's your dream. Welcome to the EU.

Unfortunately, you do not understand us, no one does. The EU is not a goal, but a means. For now, it's a good way to get away from the monster we've been fighting for over 300 years. If in the future there is a better way to move even a little away from russia, we will strive for it.

 4 months ago 

Любуюсь вами, Олеже, яка картопля гарна, я так огірки розсаджувала колись) У траншеях заливали ночами на дачі шлангами воду)) Нехай буде врожайний рік! Приємно спостерігати, як ви працюєте, як упорядковуєте все у своєму господарстві) Побачила ваше фото і привіталися з вами на власні очі)) Дякую за зустріч на сторінці)

 4 months ago 

Дякую. Ви завжди вмієте знайти слова щоб підбадьорити і надихнути на подальшу працю 😀

 4 months ago 

🙋🙏✍️🌊🐬🌹Доброго ранку!

This time is really a very different time for farmers like us. It is more difficult to cut the field paddy and make straw from it than carrying the straw and stacking it. Many times the old straw is left and then it has to be moved to a new place. Thanks for sharing some of your valuable time with us.

Did it rain? It looks like your field is desperate for some rain.

Great effort with the ploughing! I'm assuming that was incredibly hard work?

 4 months ago 

Did it rain?

Yes, today is the second day that it has been raining a little. It also means I can devote more time to Steemit 😁

I'm assuming that was incredibly hard work?

Yes you're right. But in this way, you can process a large area in just an hour, and then you can relax or do other things.

An hour's not too bad... would the work be easier in a little rain or would you get stuck in the mud?

 4 months ago 

would the work be easier in a little rain or would you get stuck in the mud?

It depends on the duration of the rain and the amount of precipitation. Usually, it is easier to work in the garden after the rain, but in our country the rains often drag on for a week or two and then the garden turns into a complete swamp.

In this summer agriculture is not an easy, I'm living in trible area and farming is our main source even my father also farming. Now as a healthcare provider I'm not suggesting to go to farm and do there work. I'm daily getting 2...4 patient of heatstroke at my hospital.

 4 months ago 

I'm daily getting 2...4 patient of heatstroke at my hospital.

We have a moderate climate, but even here you need to take a break during the hottest lunch hours.

 4 months ago 

Божечки, вже й сінокос!.. А здавалося, начебто весні бути й бути!
Бажаю, аби картопелька вродила гарною та рясною без "помічників" - колорадських жуків!)))

 4 months ago 

Божечки, вже й сінокос!

Цього року все відбувається прискореним темпом.

Бажаю, аби картопелька вродила гарною та рясною

Дякую 🙂. Якщо не вродить, то картоплю без проблем можна купити в магазині, але шкода всієї тієї праці, тому завжди є хвилювання за врожай.

 4 months ago 

Так, сінокос, вочевидь ви мої дописи пропустили.)). Правильно @o1eh написав - у селі зараз гаряча пора, хочеш ти цього чи не хочеш. Переважно не хочеш, але іноді тебе не питають 😄

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Greetings to meet you, Mr @o1eh, I'm from Ulfatulrahmah, I'm from Indonesia 🤗, Cheer up sir, I hope your days are always fine and happy💕

 4 months ago 

Glad you stopped by my post 🙂

 4 months ago 

Надіємось, що дощитиме, це буже корисно для всіх )

 4 months ago 

Стог як з картини Моне зійшов))

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