Healthy Food Menu for Me

in Ukraine on Steem5 months ago


Here I will give tips on my 5 healthy food menus.

Firstly, there must be brown rice. Because brown rice contains quite a lot of fiber and takes a long time to digest in the body. So, you feel full longer, and the carbohydrates are also lower than white rice, which turns into sugar and energy more quickly from the body.

Second, chicken breast.


I only eat chicken breasts... I don't eat thighs or wings, because the most protein is in chicken breasts. But the chicken breast is not just fried chicken breast. If you fry it again...fry it again, yes, more oil, that's also not good for your health. It is first burned, mixed with spices which can also be appetizing, but which do not contain cholesterol.

Then thirdly, I really like spinach.


We know that spinach contains good nutrients, high levels of vitamins and minerals. So the spinach is boiled, and after boiling it is not too hot, it is served straight away and must be finished in one meal. I don't make it a habit to keep spinach for too long, then eat it again, because it lasts a maximum of 4 hours.

The four egg whites. I like to eat the whites of eggs, two to three, but discard the yolks, only the whites are eaten. And usually I prefer boiled rather than fried. Unless you're eating fried rice, it's the weekend. Because egg whites are good protein too, right?

Fifthly, I like to drink water with lemon.


I always drink that, I even take my bottle with me everywhere, I put a lemon at the bottom of the bottle, I pour it until the water is cold, I fill it full and the water mixed with the lemon juice is alkaline which can help with stamina energy and protect our stomach. . That's medically correct and it works for me, and is very useful.

Hopefully you can gain new knowledge from the menus that I am sharing today. Water and lemon, not only is it fresh, it's also good for fat disease. Because health is important, and how we maintain it is how we also have a food pattern and food menu that is right for us to consume. Yes, right, so that it becomes energy.

Greetings always compact

By @midiagam


Not many people actually know that lemon is alkaline - most assume it is acidic because of it's flavour!

Everything you have said is spot on health wise @midiagam - and very disciplined of you to follow that kind of health routine, so well done!

I seem to go through stages - I do it for a while and then I get bored of it and go back to all the tasty stuff that is bad for us haha!!

We must be able to refrain from delicious food if we want to live a healthy life. Come on @jaynie, try it slowly first, after a while you will get used to it, like the healthy lifestyle I now live🙂

hahaha maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

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