Contest: Kids Of The World


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. I want to say a special thank you to @olesia for this contest tagged kids of the world. I always have this special feeling writing about kids. This post will address the issues of character building in kids and how to instill into them good values from a young age. Take a moment and get a good read.


Kids are special beings, they are always happy and smiling. They don't usually have a place for grudges. But this can change as they grow older. Kids readily imitate adults around them. They tend to do what adults around them do, act the way they act. And this will build up over time to form their characters and habits. As parents and guardians, we can help build the children in the right path. Helping them to grow to become better humans.


How Do Kids Learn?

Kids learn from adults through the following ways:

  • Watching: A kid learns from the adults by watching what they do. They find it easy to observe what the adults are doing. By doing this the imitate the adult

  • Listening: kids learn by listening, they listen to what is happening in their environment. That is why it is very easy for them to speak a language that is used in their environment.

  • Exploring: The learn by exploring or experimenting what they have seen their parent or guardian do over time.


How can the parents affect the kids positively?

To build good virtues in the lives of the kids, parents, guardians and teachers should make sure that they take note of what they say, do and practice in front of the kids. Kids are free beings, lovely and forgiving, but what they pass through can change their lifestyle either for good or bad.

To build in this little ones great virtue, parents and guardians should do the following;

  • Teach the children what is right from wrong. Let them know that the can always do the right thing.

  • Discipline them, when necessary. But make sure they don't get afraid of you.

  • Be a moral example to them: kids will mimic or imitate their parents. Always show them the right thing to do by doing them also.


I love children and I try as much as possible to affect their lives positively.
I am a strong moral example to them, Are you?
Do the kids feel safe and happy around you?
We have to show them love, because they are....
The Kids Of The World

Thank you for reading.

I invite @imohmitch, @isaacbeechan10 and @brightoekeh to participate in this contest


 2 years ago 

So lovely little humans😊5QqP4NVdsPNcDeePyfoZLTLv8efTACU5P6GADTBgMgfXR86cXnAReaMqvt6RTKmEFp5MLrgZGqCdrYprvb7JPXoSMDo8eS3Udcyh3xYmEhrJbozsroMk9rfbHHkUwieynbezK9yox7ctNmWAX1Urw65YpPaH1FKGWv6tSDMmv4KgYs3RKytAvxQKsaEsHNCsbum8RUZyPgbj.png

You have highlighted positive ways to train up a child

You have highlighted positive ways to train up a child which are.. teaching the child what's right from wrong and disciplining the kid
Good luck bro

Children are special gifts.
They are pure in hearts. Nothing bothers them at all.
Very interesting post bro👍🏼
Wish you success in the contest.

 2 years ago (edited)

Sweets bun🥲💓

 2 years ago 

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