"My photo memories" contest #21

Good day everyone, hope you are all doing well, am happy to participate in this contest organized by @yetaras, thank you so much.

Chilling with my friends

I just remembered about how wonderful this day was with my friends in the past year.

The day was so bright that blessed Sunday, after we all went to church and we all went back as well, and we decided in one mind to chill out that Sunday and we all did as we plan.

We went to different places, we took pictures, we bought some snack for ourselves, and we had fun that day.

This is a picture of myself and my mentor

This picture just flashed my mind back to when I was free from my Industrial Training, that blessed day, we had fun, eat and I was so happy to be free after a year of training.

The most exciting thing was that I got my certificate successfully, and now I am qualified Desktop Publisher with certificate.

My first day of playing bass guitar at church service

This days is an unforgettable day I had. After some period of months, which I was learning how to play bass guitar, I wasn't allowed to play during church service or any serious event, but this blessed day, I was allowed to join the professional players to play as well.

I was so happy to find my humble self playing very well, even did more than I thought I will do.

On school uniform

This picture just reminded me my secondary school days. During my secondary school, it was an interesting time in my life, meeting with best friends of then at school, participating in school event etc.

This day was the day of our social gathering at school, where I was supposed to lead and I was just thinking of how it will be possible for the first time, I decided to make some practice of how am going to demonstrate to other students, unknown to me that my classmate had just snapped me, and we all laughed over it.

On my matriculation day

This picture has just reminded me the day of my matriculation in the university of Uyo, which took place earlier this year.

That day was so amazing to also experience matriculation which I was always thinking of when will I also wear this matriculation gown, but to God be the Glory I also celebrated matriculation as I had thought and how amazing it was.
Thanks for reading

I invite @samuelnkenta, bossj23 and @onomzy001

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