How Men Evaluate and Choose Women

in Ukraine on Steem4 months ago

How Men Evaluate and Choose Women
How do men decide whom to approach and whom not to? Who is suitable for a long-term relationship? How does the evaluation process happen?

How Men Choose Women
How do men decide whom to approach and whom not to? Who is suitable for a long-term relationship? How does the evaluation process happen? Do I find a woman interesting or not initially on a subconscious level?

This evaluation affects a man's further behavior, and everything else—behavior, character, actions—matters, but not as much as the initial subconscious evaluation. Surprisingly, the voice of ancestors and physiology is stronger than any logic; logic only later confirms this choice. And the main parameter for a serious subconscious choice is HEALTH!
Subconsciously and intuitively, the healthier a woman is, the more attractive she is because she will be able to bear and raise offspring. Everything else—intelligence, fashion sense, and other aspects—pales in comparison!

Healthy teeth, lips, and gums indicate health. A healthy woman can survive on her own and feed her child. A smile is an indicator of both physical and emotional health and can support and inspire.

Do they shine or not? Is there brightness, sparkle, and interest in them? Eyes are both a mirror of the soul and an indicator of physical health.

Healthy, well-groomed hair is also an indicator of health. Fake hair extensions are a no-go because, subconsciously, they signal that the woman is hiding something about her health.

The skin is the largest organ on the human body, and the more makeup you wear, the more doubts a man has about your health.

A man's assessment of a woman's health and self-esteem comes from her posture. It reflects the health of the body and the spine and shows whether she is in harmony with herself and the world.

They should look healthy, harmonious, and natural. Oversized, disproportionate, or sagging breasts are a distress signal for a man.

Waist and Hips
Their proportion indicates health and reproductive function.

A flat, non-protruding stomach indicates healthy internal organs.

Proportionate legs, not overly long, send the right signals to a man's subconscious. Awkwardly high heels or constantly wearing flats do not.


The higher a man's intelligence and the more opportunities he has, the more discerning he is. Health is the primary consideration (on a subconscious level), followed by the relationship and spirituality.

What Should You Spend Your Time On?
Primarily for yourself, and then to attract men's attention. Focus on HEALTH! Sleep, nutrition, self-care, and exercise. Primarily for yourself, and then to attract men's attention.

Everything else will follow. You'll want to develop emotionally and spiritually if you are healthy! A healthy body fosters a healthy spirit and more energy for self-development and improvement than a sluggish, sick, or neglected one.

How Do Men Evaluate and Choose Women for Serious Relationships?
A woman wants to build a relationship with a decent man, not a tyrant, addict, or another problematic individual. A man who is worthy of attention, strong, established both materially and morally, capable of long-lasting quality relationships, and someone you wouldn't be afraid to have children with.

What Attracts Decent Men in Further Interaction and Communication?
Of course, I'm writing about the ideal (averaged and generalized) version. You should only take what you find necessary and suitable for yourself.

So, What Do Men Pay Attention to When Choosing a Woman?
Health - described above, is an essential and integral part.


By self-love, I mean responsible and caring regular actions, not pride or arrogance. It is important to distinguish these concepts. Pride and arrogance only destroy oneself and repel others.
Of course, men also choose those who are not healthy and don't love themselves, but the quality of the men is in question.

If a woman doesn't love herself, she often gets offended, and her nonverbal cues and behavior constantly show it. Such a woman will be chosen by someone, but it will be a man with a certain life script taken from his parental family. These are unlikely to be healthy and happy relationships but certainly filled with "vivid emotions."


But emotions of a negative spectrum: offense, guilt, shame, fear, and anger. These are codependent and dependent relationships, relationships with destructive partners, regular relationship breakdowns, or loneliness.

Life Strategy
An authorial (female leadership) life strategy involves the habit of taking responsibility for your part of the relationship. A woman who understands what she wants and follows her path according to her values, respecting the man in the process.
A woman who can set boundaries for acceptable behavior from a man, of course, and believes in herself. A woman who will work on her relationships with the world, man, and children if these relationships don't work out, instead of blaming others and fate (as typical victims do).

State of Being
Harmonious and balanced. Living in peace with herself, the world, and others. A woman who is confident that she is a worthy and good woman and men. Worthy and good at heart.
Such a woman makes a man want to grow and become better. He feels her belief in herself, which is very attractive and inspires heroic deeds for her.


In Communication:
Grateful - She knows that no one owes her anything and is capable of being grateful when a man does something for her. Openly grateful, not stingy with compliments.
Sincere (authentic in her way, a wild woman, a woman who listens to herself and believes in herself) - This means listening to her intuition and acting accordingly. She believes in herself and can therefore trust a man. Trusting is a huge bonus for an adequate man; it's the warmth of the soul that he feels.
Joyful and Inspiring - A woman who focuses on the positive in the vast array of life's manifestations, as our attention is selective! She chooses positive events out of all life events. And if something doesn't meet her expectations, she takes it as an experience. She radiates warmth and joy, and men feel it and are drawn to her.
Harmoniously and Enjoyably Self-Actualized in Society - Not a tired, overworked "horse."
Of course, these are not all the aspects men pay attention to, but they are definitely important ones!

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