Contest: Kids Of The World

Good day everyone.. much delighted taking part again in this great contest I want to say a big thank you to @olesia for bringing up the contest again for this week... More grace to you.
Kids are great gifts from our creator with different abilities to perform mostly like the parent showing forth some signs of traits to be called one in the family. Children are not static when it comes to behaviour, changes comes mostly from what they're told to do, what they see and what they hear.


Qualities Of The kid
Kids basically are known for a good retentive memory, and fast observing technique. It's observed that the kids do mostly 80% of the things they see thier parent do. So to see good qualities in your kid you need to help in inculcate good standards through being the best mom and dad known have ever been

Acting from the parent's view

Most of the kids are born into rich, wealthy and we'll to-do homes and get used easily to the type of life they grew up to see. If you use food, money or materials things to pet your kid while growing, the kid will automatically know that what keeps him or her moving is purchasing items, or food to keep them on positive track, but what happens when the valuable items are no more.. I think this is where a quote comes in " is not what you have done for your children that matters but what you have taught them to do for themselves that really counts and matters". So material things no where should be used to keep kids on positive track.


Celebrating birthday parties are so essential in most homes and are vital way to keep a kid drive for his or her dream, it can be used as threat to bring out good morals in a kid but that in no where shouldn't be the best way to bring forth good morals. Attaching good morals to material things is just a waste of effort because in due time it won't be a way of appeasing but a disaster to the kid and parent.

Funny, excitement and tantrum character

Children characters are unpredictable, most change as the grow into a teen. But the character can be nutured and conveyed into an acceptable one. Kids are lovely to be when they're free, nice, happy and excited, and mostly which they do through the happenings at home, in school and among peers. Kids needs all around him or her to be friendly even the toys too.

Just like my little friend, He loves being around me because I make him laugh most of the time though he seems to be an introvert. It really makes me happy just to see him relate and act weird with his funny traits.

Helping the kids
The kid really need our love, care, support and drive in all endeavours, it seems simple to give it all but very hard to some of the parent. I ask myself this question why do parent bring kids into the world to maltreat, destroy and punish them.. where they not ready?...

The parent and wards should try to make grooming a kid well be part of their immediate plan, where kids are looked after everytime not letting them be themselves and blaming all thier indecent behaviour on thier traits.

Kids are the best creation, to make it clear we were all kids. So give them the best you can

Thank you for going through my post 😍❤️



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