Question AI Contest (Конкурс питань) Result #18 and Start #19

in Ukraine on Steem4 months ago

Привіт 18.05.24 закінчився 18-й тиждень проведення конкурсу питань. Час підвести підсумки, виплатити винагороду та розпочати новий. Погнали...

On 18.05.24, the 18th week of the question contest ended. Time to take stock, pay your reward, and start anew. Go...

DALL·E 2024-01-18 23.41.37 - A logo design for a 'Blockchain STEEM Quiz Contest'. The logo should be modern and tech-inspired, featuring elements that represent both blockchain te.png

1-е місце – 5 STEEM1st place – 5 STEEM
2-е місце – 4 STEEM2nd place – 4 STEEM
3-е місце – 3 STEEM3rd place – 3 STEEM
4-е місце – 2 STEEM4th place – 2 STEEM
5-е місце – 1 STEEM5th place – 1 STEEM
Що робити? (Все дуже просто):What to do? (It's very simple):
1. Підписатись на @cranium1. Follow @cranium
2. Вигадати саме креативне питання і задати його в чатіGPT - (це відкритий АІ з можливістю безкоштовного використання)2. Come up with the most creative question and ask it in chatGPT - (this is an open AI with the possibility of free use)
3. Поділитись своїм питанням та відповіддю в коментарі під цим постом.3. Share your question and answer in the comments under this post.
Бажано в ось такому вигляді:Preferably in this format:
Я: «Як думаєш, проводити конкурси на блокчейні STEEM гарна ідея?»Me: "Do you think conducting contests on the STEEM blockchain is a good idea?"
GPT «Проведення конкурсів на блокчейні STEEM може бути дуже гарною ідеєю з кількох причин:GPT: "Conducting contests on the STEEM blockchain can be a very good idea for several reasons:
Залучення СпільнотиCommunity Engagement
Стимулювання АктивностіStimulating Activity
Нагороди та ІнцентивиRewards and Incentives
Прозорість та ДовіраTransparency and Trust
Маркетинг та РекламаMarketing and Advertising
Конкурсні коментарі приймаються до кінця доби 25.05.2024 за Київським часом. Не більше 5 коментарів від одного користувача.Contest comments are accepted until the end of the day on 25.05.2024 Kyiv time. No more than 5 comments from one user.
Величезну кількість іншик конкурсів можете знайти в щоденних Contest Alerts від @disconnect. Для цього просто завтайте в гості до його блогу.You can find a huge number of other contests in the daily Contest Alerts from @disconnect. To do this, just visit his blog.

На цей раз в конкурсі взяли часть наступні користувачі:

На цей раз в конкурсі взяли часть наступні користувачі:


Участь взяли 10 користувачів, поставивши 36 питань. Це повторення рекорду!

10 users participated, asking 36 questions. This is a record repeat!

З кожним наступним конкурсом шукати унікальні питання стає все цікавіше. Вже регуряно з'являються питання, які задаються вдруге. Намагаюсь швидко відповідати на коментарі, щоб попередити про повторення питань, щоб учасники могли встигнути задати нове питання. Нагадую, ліміт 5 питань на 1 учасника.

With each subsequent competition, it becomes more and more interesting to search for unique questions. Questions that are asked a second time are already regularly appearing. I try to respond quickly to comments to warn about repetition of questions, so that participants can have time to ask a new question. I remind you that there is a limit of 5 questions per 1 participant.

Ось усі питання, які були задані в конкурсі. В наступних розіграшах ці питання (принаймні переможні питання) вже не будуть мати шанси на перемогу.

Here are all the questions that were asked in the competition. In the following draws, these questions (at least the winning questions) will no longer have a chance to win.

  • "If you could have any superpower based on an animal trait, what would it be and why?" @mandate
  • "If you could live in any fictional universe, which one would you choose and why?" @mandate
  • "Why do we say we "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?" @mandate
  • "How come your nose runs, but your feet smell?" @mandate
  • "Чи можна подорожувати в часі в минуле?" @yetaras
  • "Чи справді неможливо витягнути з рота електричну лампочку, перед тим її туди помістивши?" @yetaras
  • "Як мені дізнатися, що мої ідеї є блискучими?" @yetaras
  • "Чи можливо створити Всесвіт за шість днів?" @yetaras
  • "" @yetaras
  • "Shcho b ty pobazhav pershym, yakby tobi distalasya charivna palychka feyi?" @ayesha0018
  • "I am anxiety patient, medicine are not working well. I want a good sleep." @ayesha0018
  • "If you are human what sould you do?" @ayesha0018
  • "How is tough to a women to attend a marriage or party without make-up?" @ayesha0018
  • "If you could have a conversation with your pet, what’s the first question you would ask them?" @preshglam1
  • "If you were to write a book about your life, what would the title be, and which genre would it fall into?" @preshglam1
  • "If you could create a new holiday, what would it be called and how would we celebrate it?" @preshglam1
  • "Телекінез, телепатія, телепортація. Що про них думають вчені?" @zaria56
  • "Які докази потрібні для підтвердження телепатії та телекінезу?" @zaria56
  • "Нейролінгвістичне програмування НЛП – це добре чи погано працювати самому на успіх, маніпулюючи оточуючими?" @zaria56
  • "Можливо, треба переглянути канал новин, щоб спрямовувати зміст новин на зміцнення дружби та пошук позитиву між країнами, а не провокування ворожості один до одного, що налаштовує народи проти один одного. Адже ми прийшли у цей світ любити, а не воювати... А ведучі новин читають тексти, в яких НЛП - на агресію, свавілля та часто завищення своєї величі, приниження лідерів інших країн..." @zaria56
  • "Які можливі наслідки можуть бути від негативного висвітлення подій у ЗМІ на міжнародні стосунки?" @zaria56
  • "Can kidney dialysis patients be cured?" @usman119
  • "Some tips for kidney patients?" @usman119
  • "Can dialysis patients perform sex?" @usman119
  • "How make kidney working better" @usman119
  • "Why is the bathroom door always harder to open when you're in a hurry?" @firyfaiz
  • "Why don't birds get electrocuted when they sit on power lines?" @preshglam1
  • "На твою думку, чи існує може людина мислити об'єктивно?" @anastasiarati
  • "Is there any AI that can count the number of hairs on a person's head?" @lovelystar
  • "Can a Vampire suck the blood of a Zombie?" @lovelystar
  • "If all animals were to live together; which one of them will be the king?" @lovelystar
  • "Why didn't God reveal us our destiny at birth than allowing us to keep wandering about?" @lovelystar
  • "What characteristics would your nemesis have if you had one?" @sbamsoneu
  • "Is it a hostage situation if a person with several personalities threatens to kill himself?" @sbamsoneu
  • "How would you know if someone has manipulated your memory?" @sbamsoneu
  • "How can I tell if I’m living the purpose I was created for" @sbamsoneu
  • "Who is the Moses of our Time in Nigeria that will deliver us from this bondage Nigeria corrupt politicians are keeping us?" @sbamsoneu

На мою думку,

1-е місце - отримує @yetaras з питанням - "Чи справді неможливо витягнути з рота електричну лампочку, перед тим її туди помістивши?" та отримує 5 STEEM

2-е місце - @lovelystar із питанням "Why didn't God reveal us our destiny at birth than allowing us to keep wandering about?" - 4 STEEM

3-е місце - @sbamsoneu із питанням "How can I tell if I’m living the purpose I was created for" - 3 STEEM

4-емісце - @mandate із питанням "Why do we say we "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?" - 2 STEEM

5-емісце - @ayesha0018 із питанням "Shcho b ty pobazhav pershym, yakby tobi distalasya charivna palychka feyi?" - 1 STEEM

I think,

1st place - goes to @yetaras with the question - "Is it really impossible to pull a light bulb out of your mouth before putting it in there?" and gets 5 STEEM

2nd place - @lovelystar with the question "Why didn't God reveal us our destiny at birth than allowing us to keep wandering about?" - 4 STEEM

3rd place - @sbamsoneu with the question "How can I tell if I'm living the purpose I was created for" - 3 STEEM

4th place - @mandate with the question "Why do we say we "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?" - 2 STEEM

5th place - @ayesha0018 with the question "Shcho b ty pobazhav pershym, yakby tobi distalasya charivna palychka feyi?" - 1 STEEM


Крім того, автори ось цих питань отримують додатково по 1 STEEM за питання (так багато ще не було):

In addition, the authors of these questions receive an additional 1 STEEM per question (there haven't been so many yet):

  • "If you could live in any fictional universe, which one would you choose and why?" @mandate

  • "Як мені дізнатися, що мої ідеї є блискучими?" @yetaras

  • "How is tough to a women to attend a marriage or party without make-up?" @ayesha0018

  • "If you could have a conversation with your pet, what’s the first question you would ask them?" @preshglam1

  • "If you were to write a book about your life, what would the title be, and which genre would it fall into?" @preshglam1

  • "If you could create a new holiday, what would it be called and how would we celebrate it?" @preshglam1

  • "Які докази потрібні для підтвердження телепатії та телекінезу?" @zaria56

  • "Нейролінгвістичне програмування НЛП – це добре чи погано працювати самому на успіх, маніпулюючи оточуючими?" @zaria56

  • "Can kidney dialysis patients be cured?" @usman119

  • "Can dialysis patients perform sex?" @usman119

  • "Why is the bathroom door always harder to open when you're in a hurry?" @firyfaiz

  • "На твою думку, чи існує може людина мислити об'єктивно?" @anastasiarati

  • "Can a Vampire suck the blood of a Zombie?" @lovelystar

  • "Is it a hostage situation if a person with several personalities threatens to kill himself?" @sbamsoneu


Підсумки 2023 року

З Україною в серці 💙💛, разом до перемоги!
With Ukraine in the heart 💙💛, together to victory!

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Will it be cruel if a mouse doesn't get invited to a party of cheese but a crow is

Inviting a crow to a "party of cheese" while excluding a mouse could be seen as ironic or humorous rather than cruel, given that mice are stereotypically known for loving cheese. The concept plays on the expectation that a mouse would be the most interested guest at such a party. However, whether it is truly cruel depends on the context and the intentions behind the exclusion.

If we're speaking metaphorically about social exclusion among humans, it could indeed be seen as unkind to leave someone out of an event they would enjoy or benefit from, while inviting someone else less interested. In the literal sense of animals, it's more of a playful idea rather than an issue of cruelty, as animals do not have the same social dynamics or understanding of invitations as humans do.

Simple words please

It might seem funny to invite a crow to a cheese party instead of a mouse because mice love cheese. But whether it's mean depends on why the mouse isn't invited. In real life, being left out of something you'd enjoy isn't nice. For animals, it's just a playful idea, not really cruel.

If you say so

Indeed, it's all about perspective and context. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

 4 months ago 

Will it be cruel if a mouse doesn't get invited to a party of cheese but a crow is

good question, I will take it up. Each participant can ask up to 5 questions per week.

Question 1

Why is the sky blue?


The sky appears blue because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. When sunlight enters Earth's atmosphere, it collides with molecules and small particles in the air. Sunlight, or white light, is made up of various colors, each with different wavelengths.

Blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher energy compared to other visible colors like red or yellow. Due to its shorter wavelength, blue light is scattered in all directions by the gases and particles in the atmosphere much more efficiently than other colors. This scattering causes the sky to look blue from our perspective.

During sunrise and sunset, the sky can appear red or orange because the sun is lower on the horizon. In these conditions, the sunlight has to pass through a greater thickness of the Earth's atmosphere, scattering the shorter blue wavelengths out of our line of sight and allowing the longer red wavelengths to dominate.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

How environment climate change effect humans?

Climate change affects humans in numerous ways, including extreme weather events like hurricanes and heatwaves, disruptions to food and water supplies, spread of diseases, displacement of populations due to sea-level rise, and economic impacts due to damage to infrastructure and loss of livelihoods. It poses significant challenges to human health, well-being, and socio-economic development worldwide.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

Question 2

How do airplanes stay in the sky?


Airplanes stay in the sky through the principles of aerodynamics, primarily lift, thrust, drag, and weight.

  1. Lift: Lift is the upward force that opposes gravity and keeps the airplane in the sky. It is generated by the wings of the airplane as they move through the air. The shape of the wings, typically an airfoil design, causes air to move faster over the top surface than underneath. According to Bernoulli's principle, faster-moving air has lower pressure, creating higher pressure underneath the wings, thus generating lift.

  2. Thrust: Thrust is the forward force that propels the airplane through the air. It is produced by the airplane's engines, whether jet engines or propellers. Thrust must overcome drag for the airplane to accelerate and maintain speed.

  3. Drag: Drag is the resistance force that opposes the airplane's motion through the air. It is caused by the friction and pressure differences as the airplane moves. Aerodynamic design aims to minimize drag to improve efficiency and performance.

  4. Weight: Weight is the force of gravity acting downward on the airplane. For an airplane to stay in the sky, lift must equal or exceed the weight.

By balancing these four forces, an airplane can achieve and maintain stable flight. Pilots and aircraft control systems constantly adjust the airplane's speed, angle of attack (the angle between the wing and the oncoming air), and other factors to control lift and thrust, ensuring the airplane stays aloft and follows its intended flight path.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

 4 months ago 

Щиро дякую 🙋✍️

 4 months ago 

І я Вам дуже вдячний за те, що знайшли час взяти участь в цьому конкурсі 🙏

A rat afraid from man, man afraid from wife, wife afraid from rat, who is strong now?
It seems like a humorous paradox! Each entity seems to fear the other in a loop, but it doesn't necessarily imply strength. It's more about perception and context. If you're looking for strength in terms of physical prowess, none of them might qualify. But if you're talking about psychological resilience, well, that's a different story!

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

Question 3

If animals could talk, which one would be the rudest?


If animals could talk, many people speculate that cats might be among the rudest. This perception likely stems from their independent and often aloof behavior. Cats are known for their selective social interactions, sometimes seeming indifferent or even disdainful towards their human companions. Their tendency to demand attention on their terms, disregard commands, and exhibit territorial behavior might translate into a brusque and direct manner of speaking, which could be interpreted as rudeness.

Other contenders might include animals known for their aggressive or territorial behavior, such as:

  • Seagulls: Often seen as bold and opportunistic, they might come across as demanding and inconsiderate, especially when it comes to food.
  • Goats: Known for their stubbornness and tendency to headbutt, they could exhibit a confrontational and argumentative demeanor.
  • Monkeys: Particularly species like macaques, which are known for their mischievous and sometimes aggressive interactions with humans, could have a cheeky and impolite way of communicating.

Of course, these are playful speculations and anthropomorphisms rather than scientific facts. Each animal's behavior would depend on its species-specific traits and individual personality.

 4 months ago 

This question was already asked in the contest, if you want you can ask another one. This will not count towards the contest. 😢


I am on a date with my girlfriend, my wife behind me , how can I safe my self from wife.
It sounds like a tricky situation. It's important to be honest and respectful to both your girlfriend and your wife. If you're feeling uncomfortable or unsure, it might be best to address the situation openly and honestly with both parties. Communication and honesty are key in any relationship.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

Question 4

How does a microwave oven work?


A microwave oven works by using microwaves, a form of electromagnetic radiation, to heat and cook food. Here's a step-by-step explanation of the process:

  1. Microwave Generation: The microwave oven contains a component called a magnetron, which generates microwaves. When the oven is turned on, electricity from the power source flows into the magnetron.

  2. Microwave Distribution: The microwaves produced by the magnetron are directed into the cooking chamber of the oven. They are distributed evenly throughout the chamber, often with the help of a stirrer or a turntable that rotates the food.

  3. Interaction with Food: Microwaves penetrate the food and interact with water molecules, fats, and sugars within it. These molecules are polar, meaning they have a positive and a negative end. Microwaves cause these polar molecules to rapidly flip back and forth, aligning with the alternating electric field of the microwaves.

  4. Heat Generation: This rapid movement of molecules creates friction and, as a result, heat. This process is known as dielectric heating. The heat generated from the friction cooks the food.

  5. Even Cooking: To ensure even cooking, microwave ovens often use a turntable to rotate the food. This helps distribute the microwaves more uniformly, preventing hot and cold spots.

Microwave ovens are particularly efficient at heating food because microwaves penetrate deeply and heat the water molecules directly, rather than relying on conduction from the surface, as in conventional ovens. This results in faster cooking times.

 4 months ago 

This question was already asked in the contest, if you want you can ask another one. This will not count towards the contest. 😢

Question 4

Why do we say "cheese" when taking a photo?


The practice of saying "cheese" when taking a photo is primarily done to create a smile or a pleasant expression on the faces of the people being photographed. Here are a few reasons why "cheese" became popular for this purpose:

  1. Smile Formation: The word "cheese" is believed to make people's mouths form the shape of a smile when they say it. This is because the "ee" sound at the end of the word naturally stretches the mouth into a smile-like shape.

  2. Ease of Pronunciation: "Cheese" is easy to pronounce and quick to say. It's a single syllable word that can be easily enunciated, making it convenient for photographers to instruct subjects to say it quickly before taking the photo.

  3. Historical Use: The tradition of saying "cheese" dates back to the early 20th century when the use of cameras became more common and accessible. It was a popular instruction because it was effective in getting people to smile, even if just briefly.

  4. Universal Appeal: "Cheese" is a word that is understood and used in many languages around the world. This universality makes it a convenient choice for photographers when working with diverse groups of people.

  5. Cultural and Social Norms: Over time, the practice of saying "cheese" has become ingrained in popular culture and social norms associated with photography. Many people expect to hear it when a photo is being taken, and it has become a part of the ritual of posing for pictures.

In summary, saying "cheese" when taking a photo is a simple and effective way to prompt a smile or pleasant expression from the subjects. It has become a widespread and enduring tradition in photography.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for participating!
This question has been accepted for participation in the AI questions competition 😊👍.
See you on Sunday when I announce the winners.

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