Contest | Color palette | PINK FLOWERS! MesembryanthemumsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Ukraine on Steem11 months ago

Mesembryanthemum (Dorotheanthus criniflorum), wants a lot of sun and can decorate your south balcony.
This is a beautiful and delicate flower, with which good gardeners mostly decorate their balconies. The name mesembrianthemum is derived from Greek and literally means midday flower. Mesembryanthemum is a herbaceous plant. It has amazing daisy-like flowers.


Blooms in pink, purple, white and mixed shades to blue hues. His homeland is South Africa. Mesembrianthemum is also found in the Mediterranean, South Australia, the Canary Islands. More than 50 species of Mesembrianthemum are known today. They have dense, fleshy leaves, similar to thick needles, in which the plant collects water.


Mesembryanthems can be annual or biennial. Some biennial mesembryanthemums have spreading branches at a greater height. Others bloom in huge puffy tufts.
Light and location: Noon flower loves sunlight. It is placed in a well-lit place in the home or on the balcony. It is also important that it is protected from drafts and heavy rain. Rain can damage its colors.


Mesembryanthemum loves high degrees. In the winter season, it does not tolerate cold. So, in the fall, bring it in warm.
Watering the midday flower. Water sparingly. In no case should it be watered every day. Allow the soil to dry thoroughly before watering with some standing water.
Soil. The mesembrianthemum flower has no special demands on the soil substrate. It is good if it is richly mixed with sand, which provides good drainage. The rest can be ordinary garden soil. Fertilizing the midday flower. The plant does not need fertilizing. Propagation of the mesembryanthemum. Propagation is by seeds. Plant them in March or April at soil temperatures between 15 and 18 degrees. the seeds are sown directly in the pot with the soil substrate shallowly, as the roots of the plant do not take root deeply.

Contest by @olesia

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