Computer stories #5 - My First computer /мій перший комп'ютер
Hello all,
This is my entry to the contest, Computer stories #5 - My First computer /мій перший комп'ютер, organized by @sergeyk.
I had my first computer in 2004. I faced the scholarship exam, which is a very famous examination in the Sri Lankan education system when I was 10 years old at my primary school, Buddha Jayanthi Central College. My parents promised to buy me a computer if I passed that exam.
However, I was able to pass the exam with a good mark. It was one of the most memorable days in my life, even though I was very young.
So, as my parents promised, they brought me a brand new computer with the following specifications.
However, I can't remember the other specifications since it is over 20 years old.
The first thing I used to do with my computer was play games. It was a different experience for me. Even though I had used other people's computers, owning a computer for myself was a great feeling.
At that time, I used to play games such as Prince of Persia-Dos version, Mario, Cricket 2004, and many more.
So, share your feelings and memories about your first computer in the contest.
Thank you, everyone, for reading my post. I invite @beemengine, @ayesha98, and @merda1988 to take part in the contest.
Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.
Thank you very much!