My Favourite drink|Coffee

in Ukraine on Steem2 years ago (edited)
Hi, this is Amina Safdar, writing from Pakistan. I'm gonna make my first ever publication in this community, for the contest, My favourite drink organized by @dmitrik So without further overdo, let's jump into that.


what is your favorite drinkwhat exactly do you love him for?

Winters are coming, cool and mild wild blows in the evening and morning. This leaves such a soothing effect, it automatically makes our heart long for a warm drink. And what could be a better option than coffee or tea.

I don't drink coffee on a daily basis, instead i drink it when i wanna feel special. And, i only like it when i make it on my own, i actually enjoy each and every step. And feel blessed for these little things that help us slow down and enjoy the moment, we're blessed with.

When and where did you first try it?

Long ago, when i was in 8th grade, i drank it for the first time, in my grandma's house. Then i became addicted to tea in my college, still i am. But i prefer drinking coffee when i wanna give myself a reward. While reading my favourite book or watching Korean dramas.
Under my quilt, when fire has been lit in winter, at night, coffee is mandatory.

Some clicks from the past...



what ingredients are included in this drink?

I'm gonna tell you about my love coffee and how i made it.
Let's move into the recepie first.


  • Coffee
  • Sugar
  • Milk
  • Cream
  • Cocoa powder

It takes two steps:

  • Whisking Coffee grains
  • Boiling milk


  • You need an empty cup for this. Add your desired amount of coffee and sugar in it. You can add a table spoon of water or milk to dilate the ingredients. Adding cream is optional, i love cream, so i added it too.
  • Now you have to beat this manually or using a beater. Beat it until it becomes consistent, fluffy, and creamy.
  • When it turns out like shown in the picture below, you're ready to jump into the next step.








Boiling Milk

  • Boil a cup of milk, don't add sugar. We have already added that in the coffee.
  • When a boil comes, pour this milk into the cup of coffee.
  • Bubbles will come on top of your creamy coffee. Next point is optional.
  • Pour some leftover cream on top of your coffee, and sprinkle some cocoa powder on it (this is my favourite step), to give your coffee a dreamy touch.






How to Enjoy coffee

Now you're ready to sip your coffee.
Wait a minute, how can you do that just as casually as i said.
Do it in right way to respect your coffee and the coming winters.
Go into your room, put it in your side table, bring out a book to read (if you're a bibliophile), or enjoy sipping it watching your favourite show.


You can also enjoy it with mother nature. Go to you rooftop, watch out the sky changing colors with every minute passes, see the trees around your house(if any), smile and sip your sweet poison.


Hope you guys are gonna like my effort:)


You explain coffee preparation very well, and the end result is very appealing; enjoy it, my friend.

If possible, share one cup of coffe, please. I am also a coffee lover .

Dont Forget 😉😉.

O thank you @lavanyalakshman:)
I wish if i can teleport a cup of coffee from pakistan to ukraine:p hopes are very high though😂

😆,I am waiting here.

You have described the preparation of your coffee very beautifully with all the trimmings. I am also a great coffee lover and drink several large cups every day. We buy specially roasted private coffees from small producers. And that's how I imagine good coffee: freshly milled and brewed. Unfortunately, instant coffee doesn't have the same taste, aroma or effect. I think so ;-))

O I didn't know milled and instant coffee are not same in taste, I haven't tried the former one.
But will surely try it to check the authenticity of your statement:p kidding:)

This is what you should really do: take a good, carefully roasted coffee. Mill the beans fresh - the whole house will smell of it! Then try different ways of brewing it: just pour boiling water over it, for example in a press pot. This is my favourite variant. There are also very good coffee machines that brew with pressure and thus eliminate bitter substances. Maybe there are cafés in your area that work like this... Coffee is great - and by the way (despite rumours to the contrary) really healthy. Enjoy it!

Your article has been supported by @josevas217 from Team 2 of the community curator program. We encourage you to keep producing quality content on Steem to enjoy more support from us and a likely spot in our weekly top 7.


¡Muchas gracias!

 2 years ago 

Класний рецепт. Я дуже люблю каву тож приготую її по вашому рецепту.

O thank you, try it out, you gonna love it❤

Hi @aminasadar
I saw your introduction post. I am glad to see you here. Pakistani community is increasing day by day.
Join our #beautycreativity community on steemit and also join our discord server.

Your article has been supported by @josevas217 from Team 2 of the community curator program. We encourage you to keep producing quality content on Steem to enjoy more support from us and a likely spot in our weekly top 7.


Thank you for this support.

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