Wild variety of colors and forms of grasses flowers

in Beauty of Creativity10 months ago

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"

Assalamu Alaikum to the readers. how are you all.

Pleasant evening, friends, on this platform. By Allah's grace, I am doing well and am having a nice day. Today, I am telling you about a beautiful flower in my garden called a grass flower. Flowers in my garden. I have grown this grass flower for some years. My friend gave me this grass flower plant, which I bought. The grass flower plants I got were extremely young when I first got them.

And it's beautiful to observe how this grass flower has grown to cover a large portion of my garden. Unlike the grass flowers in my garden, which come in two varieties—one pink and one white—this one has diverse colours. Sunlight created this grass blossom. When it rains, the blooms go off and wither as dusk out. A faintly sweetish smell that is quiet can be obtained if wanted. These grasses are easy to maintain and thrive beautifully after being planted in the garden. This plant develops gorgeously and blooms with a bit of maintenance.

While city dwellers cultivate these grass flowers with great care, individuals in rural areas, particularly those with many of them in their homes, tend to neglect the grass flowers there, even though there are few of them. It takes little time for the grass to multiply once it is established. Watering the plant is it.

If you give this plant regular watering, it won't need additional attention. Most houses in the village have this tree planted in front of them to improve the aesthetic appeal of the buildings, and this tree can be found in both villages and towns. When I see these blooms, I enjoy how unique they are. I enjoy seeing the birds that visit this tree, chirp, and then leave, especially in the afternoon. This tree may bloom without any additional effort.

This tree produces very delicate, light-weight flowers. The colours are good, and it looks lovely. And to prove to you how much more lovely grass flowers may be in person, I have shown you some exquisite photographs of grass flowers.



?•??? Thank's Everyone ???•?

 10 months ago 

অসাধারণ ফটোগ্রাফি করেছেন দেখে খুবি ভালো লাগছে আমার

 10 months ago 

Portulika/time flower is one of my favourite. Thanks a lot for sharing

 10 months ago 

The flowers are very beautiful. I love the color of each flower. Thank you very much for sharing the beautiful photographs.

 10 months ago 

In Bangladesh...we know the flower's name is Pottulika. What a miracle that... every day it blooms at 10 am. Grow more beautiful flowers in your garden.

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