Want to benefit someone? Then do it without any interest.10% payout for @beautycreativity

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago

welcome to my steemit blog


Assalamu Alaikum.

Hope everybody is healthy and well. Alhamdulillah, many prayers of yours and by the infinite mercy of Allah, I am also well. I wish you all to be healthy, beautiful and good and everyone will pray for me so that I can be healthy, beautiful and good all the time. I am starting by expressing my best wishes and love to all My blogging today.I present to you today a special topic


We are human. It is a common thing for us as human beings to live in a society. We make our living by living in society.While living in the society, we face various dangers at different times. In other words, we face some or the other problem at different times.Problems are a common thing since we were born human. Problems in human life is a normal thing.We must try to solve their problem. No matter how big the problem is, it must be solved You can't. Your example can be given in a general subject.


Think any of your friends or relatives are in danger. So if you stand by his side and solve or benefit him, you will see that he will be forever grateful to you.But there is a big issue here. And that is, if you help someone, you should not try to get any benefit from it.If you do good to someone, it must be selfless.In other words, if you hide any success in the benefit, then nothing good can be expected from it. It certainly feels good to be able to benefit people. But if you expect anything from it, think of the benefits, it is really a matter of extreme misfortune. That means if you want to help someone, it must be selfless.

If you want to get some benefit from it after benefiting people or someone else, that benefit is of no value.Again, if you expect any kind of benefit from it, you may face a big problem or you may face any kind of loss. In other words, I think if you help someone or from any danger Protect but you must help him from that place without any benefit.

Try to help someone from the heart. You will see that your heart will be cold and full. Many more people will respect and love you for the people you help. In society you can introduce a very good minded person and you can get satisfaction from the Creator.And if the Creator, the Almighty, is pleased with you, then you have nothing to ask for in this world and in the Hereafter, and you have nothing to gain.But the first and foremost thing here is to benefit unselfishly. That is, to do everything from the heart.

Anyone you see helping or helping will be forever grateful to you. Jenny, you will get respect from that person, you will get respect from other lunar eclipses or your neighbors From neighbors. And I think if you are a respected person in the society, then nothing more is needed. Because honor can never be bought with money. Hey respect if you You can only get by helping someone, but it is a matter of extreme joy.


So from this point of view I think we should definitely do something selflessly if it benefits someone. No one should be benefited by hiding any kind of interest. And if we can always walk in society with our hearts clean and beautiful, we will surely be respected in society.But when it comes to this, each of us must take care of it. Too much To keep everyone together for so long.

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