Perseverance and perseverance and the importance of perseverance in our lives. 10% payout for @beautycreativity ...

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago


Main thambail made by canva by @steem-for-future




AsSalamualaikum Salamualaikum.

Hope everybody is doing well. Alhamdulillah many of your prayers and by the infinite mercy of the Creator Allah I am well. I wish you all to be healthy, beautiful and good and everyone will pray for me so that I too can always be healthy, beautiful and good. I am starting by wishing all the best and best wishes My blogging today. Today, as usual, I reappear before you today to discuss the importance of perseverance in achieving the ultimate peace and happiness of our lives.

The word perseverance is very small but its essence is very big. If you do this you do this word You can analyze, but maybe one day you will become a much better and happier prosperous person. To be a happy person you have to be the first to persevere through which you can make your life a lot easier and more beautiful and get something good out of it.



The word perseverance is such that there is no way to give up. In other words, if you know that you will not succeed in any endeavor, you will always try to know that you will be able to do something good one day.. But you must be diligent and work on time।You see, you are constantly failing in any task and if you take this failure as your main goal then you can never get success.To be successful you must have perseverance and perseverance



Set your goals first. If you can set your goal, you will see that once you set your goal, if you can set your goal, then you will see that you have set your goal.Even if you can't reach it, you can temporarily reach your desired goal. But I think in that case, first of all we need to set our goal strictly and neatly





Suppose you are trying to catch a butterfly. But the attempt failed and you stopped catching butterflies. But inside, I don't think any of your perseverance worked.If you keep failing at something, you will never be disappointed. Try it and success will come one day inshallah. Keep trying and you will see that success will come to you one day inshaAllah but it must be through hard perseverance.



Another thing is that you must work on the subject you are good at. Suppose you are a good photographer. Or you can do good photography. But in that case you must work on that photography and apply your perseverance on the photography.But you will see that you can get a good result from there. One thing is for sure, if you apply your perseverance in the subject that you are good at, then success will come and Shavanti will hold it in your hands.The main thing. Persevere and make life better It is the wish of all ।





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