Help someone move on with life. 10% payout for @beautycreativity

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago

Assalamu alaikum

hello @beautycreativity world

Hope everybody is doing well. Alhamdulillah, your many prayers and God's infinite mercy, I am well. Good health to all and good health and love to all I am starting my blogging today.I am here to help you today and its benefits and I am here to help you today and its benefits and its consideration I showed up to discuss the direction.Let's start the main discussion without further ado.



We are all more or less familiar with the word help. We are always on top of each other in our personal and social lives. We are always on top of each other in our personal and social lives.If we want to move in the society, we have to work in different societies at different times. We have to help each other for different work at different times.But without help we can never move.Even though our only helper is our Creator, the great God, then man, even though our only helper, our creator, the great God, is still human.Usila needs help.We have survived for thousands of years in this world only by helping each other.If you are a big businessman then you must get help from lower class people Have to.On the other hand, if you are from a middle class family, you need to get help from high level people.It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. The bottom line is that we complement each other.



Think Someone in front of you is in danger. That could be any financial thing Problems or brain to brain or physical. You can help him if you want. So what's the delay? He must be helped quickly But again after helping Nothing can be expected from him.

That is, if you help people unselfishly, then your love for that person increases if you help people unselfishly.So of course you should help someone selflessly. Help someone once Try it, his love for you will increase several times. But there must be selfless love



You can benefit the most if you help the helpless people.Helping someone, helping someone will bring you a lot of joy. Which is what you can never imagine.That is to say, with the help of this help, that is, with the help of this help, you can do a lot of important things.Help is a subject that helps you become a great person. So always try to help someone



People are for people.If someone helps a little, if someone benefits. If someone helps a little, then we must.In fact, if you help, nothing will happen to you. Rather you will benefit rather you will benefit and and your soul will grow. And whom you help He will be forever grateful to you. So help someone as much as you can

posted community by #boc


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