Dragonfly - Pantala Flavescens

~"Dragonfly - Pantala Flavescens"~
Good afternoon creative friends, on this occasion I will post a photo that belongs to the insect kingdom, as we both know that insects have various types, and the type of insect in my post today is called Pantala Flavescens. That's the name I found when I tried to search through the google lens. In my area of Indonesia it is called the dragonfly, and small children usually call it helicopter, as usual I tried to start looking for the Latin name on google lens, and I found the name Dragonfly - Pantala Flavescens. I didn't have time to take more pictures of this dragonfly, when I wanted to try to photograph it from behind it flew and left me alone there.
When I tried to find out more about Dragonfly or commonly called Pantala Flavescens. I also tried to access a Google search and found an article describing this insect on Wikipedia, it says that:
Pantala flavescens, the globe skimmer, globe wanderer or wandering glider, is a wide-ranging dragonfly of the family Libellulidae. This species and Pantala hymenaea, the "spot-winged glider", are the only members of the genus Pantala. It was first described by Johan Christian Fabricius in 1798. Wikipedia
Here are some photos of animals that we usually know as a Dragonfly - Pantala Flavescens. I took this photo using a smartphone camera and the help of a macro lens, hopefully you like it. 😉

Camera | POCO X3 NFC |
Lensbong | Macro Sony 25mm |
Photography | Orthetrum Sabina |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Arthropoda |
Class | Insecta |
Order | Odonata |
Infraorder | Anisoptera |
Family | Libellulidae |
Genus | Pantala |
Location | Aceh - Lhokseumawe |
Photographer | M. Alan Mirza |

I love your 2nd click and wonder a mobile can take incredibly good macro shots.
Thank u very much😉🤝
You always show good pictures
Thanks :)
Taking pictures of dragonflies that are very beautiful friends. Keep working
Thanks :)
Your welcome 😊
the dragonfly is so beautiful
Thanks ☺
very good shot, looks very clear, you are a professional photographer, I really like your photography.
thanks for sharing
Thanks ☺🤝
The dragonfly is very beautiful, this is one of the most difficult types of insects to photograph. thank you for sharing
Thanks for support 🤝☺
Gambar yang sangat sempurna bg alan
Terima kasih banyak 🤝😉
Sama sama bg
Love the details in your pictures. Enormous job.
Thank u very much 😉🤝
you took a very good picture friend
Thanks my friend 😉🤝