Hey Lovers of creativity I am pleased to be amongst this wonderful community,this is my first post here I hope I will be warmly welcomed.
Kudos To @abduhawab you have done a very great joy by initiating such an awesome contest where people all-over the world will share their life experiences

  • life is full of various events and experience but all of this are merely important,all days that comes in our lives ain't the same, some are memorable,the memorable day is the funniest and happiest day of our lives.

  • Despite the joy of success and graduation, the quiteness that follows after the farewell of friends makes life empty. There's no greater joy than that of graduation.
    I could remember 3years ago when I was about rounding up with secondary school, I was wondering how I would cope with my friends, I was very popular in school because of my height and I was always seen everywhere, I love making new friends that before the end of my stay in school I was now having lots of friends so loosing them was kinda disheartening.we taught of celebrating our graduation in a little way at least to take photos,and keep them as part of our memories. It was really a great idea isn't it?
    It not just about having friends,it about having friends who matters, friends who always gat your back. Back in school we formed a crew that we where always together.although most of us where in art Classes but we do join science classes attimes while they too join our Art classes. We made sure to participate in all activities in school that made us famous and known for our braveness. Aside being lausy and stubborn, we always participated in quiz and debate we never feel left out in social activities. After school hours we will meet at different places and chat sometimes who do dance.

  • wait! I guess I never told you all my friends where guys" imagine being in the company of guys wow you be feeling like a queen that was the feeling I always have.but graduating from school was really painful because most of us would go our different ways.

We started planning on how our last day in secondary school will be.

  • on the 8th of June that was when it happened we hurried out after the closing speech by the proprietor
    we enjoyed our last day in school we exchanged contacts we took pictures
    we took countless numbers of photos which I will be sharing with you.





Here are pictures we took during my graduation

we also created a group chat where we do most of our conversation there. It was really a great day in my life because I got memories from them that I couldn't let go off.because this is my happiest day you can see the expression of joy and excitement on our faces.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed.
Special mention

 3 years ago 

Hi @rose-o, thank for taking part in the contest

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