Honey Bee Collection || Macrophotography || Beauty of Creativity || #Club5050

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago


hello steemians all wherever you are, on this occasion I want to share in the beauty of creativity community, namely the type of honey bee.

on this occasion I want to show you the types of honey bees and I don't get tired of looking for all kinds of insects and bees in my garden, so that you all can see all the types of bees that can be cultivated. This type of bee is one of the most difficult for me to photograph because it always moves left and right, but finally I was able to photograph this little honey bee.

This type of small bee lives in groups, which we can see when the sun is almost setting, but we must always be patient, so that these bees are more settled first. And I found this bee in the garden.

Here's a portrait of the bee:






that's the post of honey bees today, hopefully all steemians friends who are interested in this bee.

By, @rajaachenes.

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@faisalamin MOD
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 2 years ago 

Hi, @rajaachenes

You are not following the rule of the beneficiary.

Set 10% beneficiary to the community account @beautycreativity.

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Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


 2 years ago 

Amazing and perfect

 2 years ago 

Thanks @setia.budi

 2 years ago 

very good picture brother, I like the appearance of your picture from various posts

 2 years ago 

Thanks @najie

 2 years ago 

very beautiful photography. Thank you so much.

 2 years ago 

Thanks @mustafiz99

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