10% beneficiary to beautycreativity. Little boy playing on the beach

in Beauty of Creativitylast month


Hello beloved friends, best wishes to all of us who are here and hopefully we are all always in good health and well. On this occasion, I would like to show again some interesting images that I have talked about. There were children playing on the beach and they looked very happy playing with their friends on the beach. At that time I also went with my friends to enjoy the beauty of the beach. As we know, the beach is a place that has extraordinary beauty and beauty.

In the area where I live, many people visit the beach during holidays. They went with their families and also with their friends to enjoy the beauty of the beach. The beaches in this area also look clean and quite nice and their visitors can play on the sand in a wide area.

My feeling was seeing these kids playing and I was so interested to be able to have some pictures of them so I took out my camera and took some pictures of them. The distance between this beach and where I live is around 30 km and at that time I visited here in the afternoon with my friend and then arrived here, my friend and I enjoyed the beauty of the beach.







Thank you in advance to all friends in this beloved community and I hope that with the display of images that I have prepared for you, all friends will be entertained and become beautiful images for us to see. Of course, every image that I have shown is the result of photography that I have done. Greetings to all of us today and see you again later in the next stray post.

Camera UsedCanon
Model600 D
LensaTamron 70-300 mm

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