Selfie With Your Brother or Sister : by @jovita30 member of club 75

I am @jovita30 and am so excited to be part of contest.

Here is the link to my achievement 1 : Link


Life will always lose its sweetness if we are left to navigate through it alone....the sweetness is always embedded in individuals that share our joy, pains, and laughter with us...
The beauty of family is having responsible parents who are dedicated to raising disciplined and responsible adults who end up contributing to the society rather than constituting a nuisance, which makes the growth of the country rather slow....Every child always wants to have a role model, and most times for the boys it ends up becoming their fathers, while for the girls thier mother and most importantly their siblings also gets to play a central role to each childs habit and behavior the child ends up growing with. When i was still a toddler, i hated eating onions because my brothers told me that sliced onions is the miniature version of snake!...funny right? But as stupid as that sounds, i'm a full blown adult right now and i still hate onions...Siblings are wonderful indviduals that you have no choice but to love them because you're kinda stuck with them for life..sometimes you may hate them because they can be equally annoying, but they are always dependable.

The importance of family cannot be overemphasised, because to a very large extent to be able to institute a change in the country, one tool to use is the Family.

  • Family is the smallest but strongest unit in the world. The economic and social crises we face in our world today can be cubbed if we have educated individuals from good homes whom their intrest is targeted to being of value to themselves and the entire society at large.
  • Many crises and insecurity we face is due to the fact that many adults like basic hometraining.
  • My family is beautiful and they are the best things that have ever happened to me.

My Photo Gallery Of My selfies with My brothers and Sister






#selfie11 #club75 #contest #photography #selfie #nigeria

 3 years ago 

Many many thanks for participate in our contest.

 3 years ago 

Hi @jovita30, thank you for taking part in the contest. Wish you best of luck!

Thank you very much. Thank you for your kind words

 3 years ago (edited)

Hi there, Make an introduction post in the community to get labelled yourself as Verified Member. Make sure you add your verification picture to it.

Join us on Discord

Okey i would. Thanks you very much

 3 years ago 

Congratulations for taking part in the selfie11 contest, I hope you will be the winner.

Thank you dear. I hope so too . Thank you for you kind and Good wishes. I appreciate

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