Santa Claus painting ||@bdwomen || 10% beneficiary @beautycreativity
Hello friends
Hello friends how are you all I hope by the grace of God everyone is well. I am also well by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah. Today I will show you a beautiful art. I just love to do such art. So I try to do something beautiful all the time. That is why I will draw and share with you today in a beautiful way. I hope all of you will like the beautiful art in Santa Claus.

• Drawing book
• Poster color
• Paint brush
• Pencil
• Rubber
Details :
step 1 :
First I picked up an art book. Then I drew a sketch of a face of Santa Claus with a pencil on the top of the notebook.
step 2 :
Then I took the red color. I painted Santa Claus's hat red with red.
step 3 :
Then I painted Santa's face yellow. After painting it yellow, I painted Santa Claus's lips red.
step 4 :
Then I stained Santa Claus's hat with a black marker pen and blackened it with a marker on the side of the face.
step 5 :
Then with the marker again I took the black mark around Santa Claus's bee. Then I painted Santa Claus's eyes and nose black with markers.
step 6 :
Then I blacked out Santa Claus with markers.
last step :
This is how I finish the whole drawing. I hope you like my painting today.
Cool drawing. Keep this good work up.
Thank you
This is cool mate, I always see beautiful paintings in your posts.
Thank you so much
Excellent drawing. Very nice. Happy to see this painting. Keep it up
Thank you
Wow. The art of santa Claus is really amazing dear.
Thank you so much
I was fascinated to see a very beautiful painting
Thank you
খুব সুন্দর লাগছে আপনার চিত্র অংকন টি। সুন্দর ভাবে ফুটিয়ে তুলেছেন হাতের কারুকাজ। শুভকামনা রইল।
Thank you
Beat of Photography.
Thank you so much