Beauty of Creativity "Education is the goal"-10% beneficiary to @beautycreativity

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago

The aim of an country's school system is make an educated nation. The principal goal of education isn't just to instruct people on how to read and work but also to teach people to solve their issues by teaching them math. The primary goal for education is to instruct the nation to think, live, and to conduct political and state matters smoothly, effectively and in a kind way. The primary goal for education is create the correct understanding of the notion of race, nationality independence, awareness, morality, faith as well as other aspects. across all people in the nation. In the same way that a person will attain a degree and become skilled after having an education, they will become a successful person. In simple terms education is an act of shaping the character of a nation.
In order to achieve the goal of education, it's essential to create a stunning strategy and plan that keeps in mind the objectives and goals of education. The plan should outline how a country plans to develop or envision its population grow nationally. A nation is a logical one, or perhaps a technological nation or a research country and when will a child be reading literature and what time will he be studying mathematics, when do they gain knowledge about sciences, when do they engage in politics? Who will engage in art, and when they will practice it, what goals do we hope to achieve in the field of technology and how ethics will be developed, etc. Education for staff building and nation-building is not the same. In the case of staff-building education, for instance, under British colonial period the educational structure in India was staffed. Indian subcontinent was managed by staff. This was not the teaching for nation-building. If we examine the works of the world-famous philosopher Plato to discover what his teaching on nation-building was, we can discover that he separated education into three phases based on their age. The first stage involves the development of the student's mental health. The second or the secondary level will be the development of intelligence. And the final education level, which is the learning process. In the initial stage of formation of the psychology the student will be taught story as well as music, and also be taught art and literature. This will instill honesty as well as seriousness and control within him, so that a contemplative and human mindset is developed by the union of humanity and the soul. The next phase is that of intellectual development. In this point, students is required to master mathematics and science as well as Astronomy to get to the top of his intellect and enter the realm of intelligence. The third phase is the process of acquiring knowledge. In this stage students should be involved in philosophical learning in order to gain the fundamentals of education, namely knowledge. The philosophy of education demonstrates that the idea of teaching science and mathematics at the elementary stage isn't correct. But, if you are feeling the need to impart a fundamental understanding about science and mathematics It could be by telling a story or using music.
The educational system should be able to provide a system to make sure that the citizens of a particular country are eligible to live a lavish life and live a conservative or moderate lifestyle, live an enjoyable life, or work hard. Career development involves transforming the knowledge and skills acquired through education into proficiency as well as practical experience and applying them to the appropriate situations. If an individual studies nutrition and then gets a job at a bank, the education he received is useless and he loses abilities to work. Therefore, the person who is studying the subject ought to be permitted to pursue the topic. It will boost efficiency as well as increase the efficiency of work. Therefore, the person who is going to be a politician will be studying political science, the one who is secretary will be studying secretarial science. The person who will become a police is going to study criminalology. This is the development of skills that is based on experience. If this trend is established in the area of language formation then the importance of education based on subject will grow and every topic will be ignored and every person who has been educated is able to learn. Furthermore, new topics are expected to be added to the realm of education, and new avenues of learning are discovered.
With the expanding number of people living in the world diverse needs and desires are becoming apparent in human existence. The need for more time and research to satisfy the growing demands and needs. Security risks are rising and making it more easy. The new kinds of crimes are being developed. To combat the new circumstances it is essential to develop a space for vast research. That's why the primary focus of the education of building a nation should include research-based education. Study, remember and take tests, then and pass. Why will this pattern continue for ever? The national education system is to be focused on studying and not exam-centric. The books will be located in the classroom and not placed on the neck.
It is essential to initiate innovative education initiatives that will establish Bangladesh as a country of researchers, innovators, and marketers, that follow the examples of the most successful countries in the developed world in terms of employment creation, entrepreneurship and innovating. We would like to be recognized as a country of developing talent and building talent and not as a country of exporters or smugglers of talent.
The primary goal for education is create an educated nation, not to create workers. We're still in the throne in the education system that was colonial. We want to change our system of education from a cornering one-sided education into a nation-building one to be a scientist-minded humble, hardworking individuals in mind and awareness as well as a researcher, entrepreneurs or innovators within our lives.

 2 years ago 

Hi, @anisshamim

You are not following the rule of the beneficiary.

Set 10% beneficiary to the community account @beautycreativity.

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 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Nice writings bro - keep it up.

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