Some Old Stuff || 10% to shy-fox

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago

These stuff are actually kept in a little chamber and well treated by the keepers. I was thankful to have their permission to take these pictures, a good chance to get in touch with such old stuff around the house. Due to the room being a bit dark, I used a 1.8 lens in which I could have clear pictures. Sometimes it is good to get in touch with this stuff where they reflected the days of our elders spent in the past.

I guess I was lucky to have a chance to visit Pedir Museum that I visited long time ago. Actually, there were a lot of ancient stuff were there, and I used my little time to shoot them before I left. So I managed to focus on the things that I never saw like the following pictures.

Among these stuff, the bullion scale seized my attention so badly, even it was being kept in a small space, I managed to take the pictures as good as possible, and carved brass burner that lied on the table seemed to be hard to be left behind while the last ones are the cooking pots and also worth of taking.





CameraNikon D7000
LensAF Nikkor 50mm, 1.8 f

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