Small Orange Butterfly

in Beauty of Creativitylast year

It was still morning when I saw a small butterfly making slowly move to the green leaf. To be honest, since I deal with the insect, it was my first time finding this butterfly, that according to me, it is one of beautiful butterflies that I ever found, especially the color that attracted so badly to capture this winged insect. This butterfly is often seen in the grass, flying and standing on twigs with the wing closed. I rarely found them with open wings which was really wanted to see how they look like when there wing was opened. To shoot this butterfly, I had to go to manual focus and auto focus in order to get the detail of their appearances. I managed to shoot from distance range, avoiding from the trouble which made them fly and left with nothing. So after making sure, it was going to stop there, I started to pick the gears and started to take some pictures. Using DSLR allowed me to take pictures from a distance range.





CameraNikon D7000
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300
 last year 

Here, the butterfly watching movement is beautifully expressed and is a fascinating image

 last year 

Very nice your photography.

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