Polka Dots Caterpillar | 10% to shy-fox

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago

Actually, I often skip caterpillar, especially the feather ones but this caterpillar is exceptional. The unique thing about caterpillars is that they are colorful and fluffy before they really become butterflies or moths. This polka dots caterpillar is probably one of many attractive caterpillars of the moth world. It overwinters by burying itself underground where it pupates before emerging as an equally impressive adult in the summer.

The change which takes place is nothing short of miraculous. The unique thing about caterpillars is that they are colorful and fluffy . Another interesting stuff is that caterpillars do not make a lot of move, so we can take pictures as many as you want.

Take this chance before it transformed to be another fascinating creature, butterfly or moth that sometimes give us hard time to catch. It's almost dark when I found this cute big caterpillar crawling on the leaf, near the paddy field. As it was just crawling there, I managed to take a couple of pictures before going back home.





CameraNikon D7000
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300

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