Passerine Bird: Tree Sparrow

in Beauty of Creativity2 days ago

It is good to be back with some photos of the Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) that was sighted standing on the fence. Pretty little birds that often seen playing around my neighborhood and I was straightly fascinated to see them stopping in front of my house as if they meant to be there for a shot. This bird typically live near people, and easy to find in rural area, especially around the farmland. This is a common tree bird that is usually seen around the farmland and one of the birds that live near people. It's been a while I don't see any bird around until one afternoon, these little birds came to visit my neighborhood and as usual, it was swinging here and there before making a stop the fence which soon attracted me to take a couple of shots from distance range. Tree sparrow eats seeds, weeds, grasses, insects and waste grain in the paddy field. The nest is built in trees, holes in buildings, or under eaves. They are passerine birds in the sparrow family with a rich chestnut crown and nape, and a black patch on each pure white cheek. The sexes are similarly plumaged, and young birds are a duller version of the adult. This sparrow breeds over most of temperate Eurasia and Southeast Asia, where it is known as the tree sparrow





CameraNikon D7000
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300

hallo bang ... sehat bang
neu tume takat tulo nyan diateuh tembok .. hehehe

 13 hours ago 

sehat...hehe...lage biasa pu nyang na deuh, ta takat saja.

 2 days ago 

Beautiful picture display of the bird.

 2 days ago 

I like to see the beautiful bird photography. Thank you for sharing.

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