Oriental Common Sergeant (Athyma perius )

in Beauty of Creativity7 months ago

I spotted this beautiful butterfly was flying here and there which made me spend time chasing it. As an adult butterfly the Common Sergeant looks very similar to the Common Sailor (Neptis hylas). The major difference between the two is the white strip found on the leading edge of the forewing. On the Common Sergeant that white band is a single long dash with three dots. The Common Sailor, on the other hand, has a longer dash line and a single dot. Known as Oriental Common Sergeant (Athyma perius )is a species of nymphalid butterfly that is, the danaid group of the brush-footed butterflies family. It seems, this butterfly likes to spend time around the bush by flying here and there. To capture its pictures, I had to act fast or it would disappear from my sight at any minute. I was thrilled to see it with the wing open and of course, I had to watch its movements. This species, as we commonly refer to them, are relatively big and attractive butterflies with the blue pattern on both its wings and tend to fly weakly amongst low shrubbery and grasses. The Common Sergeant is often found visiting urban gardens, but their primary habitat is open forest and surrounding secondary growth.





CameraNikon D7000
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300
 7 months ago 

The appearance of the butterfly image is very interesting.

 7 months ago 

This is a cool image capture.

 7 months ago 

Butterfly always looks beautiful to me. Your photography is amazing brother.

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