Nature's Drone: Line Forest-Skimmer | 10% to shy-fox

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago

Known as the line forest-skimmer (Cratilla lineata), this typical dragonfly is usually found in forested areas in lowland and montane regions. Prefers to breed in shaded muddy pools and marshes in forest. Due to this dragonfly was not able to be reached with with smartphone, attempted to photograph it with DSLR from long distance range as well as the way to avoid from its notice.

Line forest-skimmer (Cratilla lineata) distributes in many Asian countries. If you see, itts thorax is bronze-black, marked with yellow. There is a mid-dorsal carina, and an anterior and a posterior stripes narrowly separated and very irregular in shapes. There are four stripes on each side, the first and third rather broad, the others narrow. Abdomen is black, marked with bright ochreous-yellow.source

So, as I used to do when dealing with insects, I had to be careful approaching its place. Lucky me, it was still calm and allowed me to get a few more shots of this beautiful winged insect. The reason why dragonfly is different from other insects are their eyes, wings, tail and speeding during flight and this insect has good eyes to detect the threatening objects that may harm them.





CameraNikon D7000
CategoryNature Photography
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300

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