Mushrooms Among Us (Marasmius) || 10% to shy-fox

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago (edited)

As I believe, not all mushrooms are edible, and many of them are dangerous even lead to death. I am not sure if they are eatable, and I did not want to do experiment either. I just found them lived on the death wood or called as the death wood toadstool, if I am not mistaken. Its look tempted me to take some photos and here the results.


When we talk about an object, we have to find its name. I was so poor of identifying the name of this typical mushroom as I am not the real mushroom expert for sure. Unlike the cultivated mushroom, this kind of mushroom or I prefer call ear-like mushroom lives wildly, and remain untouchable.


They use the dead wood to grow. People are not interested to cultivate or pick them for free. Yep! I found this mushroom in every death wood and nobody dare to consume. As we know, the mushrooms also cultivated for medicinal properties to cure chronic bronchitis, coronary heart disease and cancer.


Then, I came with a conclusion that may take your concern is, be careful when you decide to pick mushroom in the wild, it is better get to know the characteristic of mushroom. Having good understanding about the mushroom will allow you to select the quality and good to consume. If you dont have any, you better leave them for your own good, that I did when I found this mushroom as an old saying : Mushroom hunting is not a hobby for the careless or uninformed.


Mushroom is known as low carbohydrate diet. For this reason, it is included as one of favorites foods in the world that makes the mushroom industry become a multi million dollar industry. Since many people are aware of the benefit of mushroom, many mushroom industry grow in some part in the west. In Indonesia, many agriculture experts offered a breakthrough to cultivate the mushroom, but not this one!


CameraNikon D7000
CategoryFungi Photography
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300
 2 years ago 

মাশরুমগুলো দেখতে খুবই সুন্দর। আপনার ফটোগ্রাফি গুলো ভীষণই ভালো লেগেছে। এগিয়ে যান। অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল আপনার জন্য।

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