Insect of the Day: White Banded Bee

in Beauty of Creativitylast year

This white banded bee was flying fast around the meadow and it absolutely gave hard time to catch it. I kept following its way until I saw it made a very quick stop on dried grass. There I managed to capture from distance with my DSLR as I was unable to get any closer since it was quite active during the daylight. It's been quite a while, I don't see any bee hanging out around So, right after noticing it from distance. I rushed into my home and grabbed the camera to get a couple of shots. It moved quite a lot during midday which made me waited for little longer to have good time for the shot. It is known Carpenter bee refers to their habit of boring into the wood and their job damaging structure by making circular holes inside the wood.

They are not like common bees such as honeybees, bumblebees, or other kinds of bees that live in colonies, carpenter bees are not included in social insects family. They build their own nest in trees and sides of buildings. Sometimes I failed to catch but some other time I successfully captured them. While being on the shot, I never thought that they would sting me, and thank for being friendly with me. There are many types of bees around here, and I think this bee is more friendly than others. Indeed, I had to spend much time hunting and waiting for them to calm, that was the efforts to gain better results.






CameraNikon D7000
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300

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