Giant Asian Praying Mantis | 10% to shy-fox

in Beauty of Creativitylast year

Asian Mantis- a species are commonly throughout Asian countries, almost similar to European mantis. I happened to notice this mantis on tree leaves. This typical praying mantis is green, with a little variation in color tone. I would never know that a praying mantis before I noticed it closely. The praying mantis is the only insect predator fast enough to catch flies and mosquitoes. They can snatch a fly so quickly you can hardly see the movement. It is one of the biggest mantis in its class. Mostly inhabits the grasslands, meadows, agricultural fields, woodlands, and adjacent to rivers and streams. It actively chases after its prey once it is aware of it. But during the non-feeding hours they generally sit still and wait for a prey to show up. This gave me a good spot to take photos since I did not have to worry about the light.





CameraNikon D7000
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300

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