Beautiful Killer: Robber Fly

in Beauty of Creativitylast year

It is another robber fly that I found the other day when I was hunting for my photography objects. This robber fly has a small form of the body that allowed this predatory insect to hide itself behind twig, but I already noticed it before it did so. All I needed to do was to manage to get a couple of shots from distance range before it's really disappeared from my sight. This insect is also called a predatory insect for it feeds itself with other insects and capable of catching prey in flight. It has stout, spiny legs with two large compound eyes and deserved to be exposed. I only spotted a single robber fly on the dried twig, and it seems to be brave in handling the prey all alone. So, here are my pictures of robber fly that I took a day ago somewhere around the bush near the ditch area. These pics were taken with a smartphone plus an external macro device. They have a single pair of wings that they hold over their back when resting. They have three simple eyes (ocelli), located in a depression on top of their head, between two very large compound eyes that provides them with great vision.





LensLensbong Macro/Modified Macro lens
 last year 

Wow nice your photography.

 last year 

Bees really look like robbers. A bit scary looking but beautiful. The bees look even more beautiful in your photos. Your hands are beautiful.We hope to see more beautiful pictures taken by you,best of luck.

 last year 

Good Photography

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