Beautiful Damselfly (Rhinocypha)

in Beauty of Creativity10 months ago

I found this species along the stream, a member of damselfly that commonly lives near the stream. When I was passing the mountain road, my friend told me that there is a beautiful damselfly hanging out near the stream. He was right! We made a stop and started looking for them. After searching along the stream, I finally saw one or three of them were nicely standing on the twig but I had to stand carefully on the edge of the stream. I love seeing it calm as if it was there giving out itself to be captured. Known as Rhinocypha, in the genus of damselfly, under the family Chlorocyphidae. Since it has smaller and slender body, I managed to look for possible angle so that it could be taken properly. This species is regarded as beautiful damselfly that mostly live throughout tropical countries. Look like a little dragonfly but it tends to be classified into damselfly. By the time I saw it has dark eyes with colorful body, which gave me another reason to stay little longer playing with the click. After spending some time, I was finally able to capture some pictures of these two fascinating species of winged insect.





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