Another Tigertail Dragonfly on Twig

in Beauty of Creativitylast year

Tigertail dragonfly (Ictinogomphus ferox) is considered one of the largest dragonfly that occasionally seen hovering around the river bank. A feature of the adult males is their habit of perching on solitary twigs and stems of reeds on river banks, which double up as launch pads for territorial sorties. The most interesting part of this dragonfly is that the colors that similar to tiger tail. So, as I used to do when dealing with insects, I had to be careful approaching its place. Lucky me, it was still calm and allowed me to get a few more shots of this beautiful winged insect. The reason why dragonfly is different from other insects are their eyes, wings, speed during flight and this insect has good eyes to detect the threatening objects that may harm them. I found this dragonfly standing on twig, as it is rarely species of dragonfly, I managed to take a few pictures before it took off when it noticed me.





CameraNikon D7000
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300
 last year 

ভাই খুবই চমৎকারভাবে আপনি ক্যাপচার করেছেন। সব সময় আপনার ফটোগ্রাফি আমার কাছে দারুন লাগে।

 last year 

nice photography i like it i am happy to see it thanks for sharing us

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