
in chinese4 years ago

我敢打賭,您的手動除草類型與您的後院花園一樣少,有時您只需要清除很少的草即可。您已經意識到,您不能在大多數蔬菜上使用化學藥品,因為您希望使蔬菜保持天然並且遠離化學藥品。 今天,我回到了農場,這樣我就可以快速完成本部分,然後再回到另一部分。 ! 我們吃很多玉米。在收穫後的初期,我們有時會煮或烤,然後賣一些。這個玉米農場的主要用途是用於semovita(玉米粉)。將玉米乾燥並與木薯粉混合以形成我們需要的玉米粉。 不得不進行人工除草壓力很大,但是我們別無選擇 ! 如果幾週不去草,有時草和作物本身一樣高。希望我們能在下雨之前完成除草工作。如果雜草讓雜草留在農作物周圍,而降雨則使草不死,並且當它生長得比沒有除草時更糟
您喜歡人工除草嗎? 讓我在評論部分聽聽您的想法

Wǒ gǎn dǎdǔ, nín de shǒudòng chúcǎo lèixíng yǔ nín de hòu yuàn huāyuán yīyàng shǎo, yǒu shí nín zhǐ xūyào qīngchú hěn shǎo de cǎo jí kě. Nín yǐjīng yìshí dào, nín bùnéng zài dà duōshù shūcài shàng shǐyòng huàxué yàopǐn, yīnwèi nín xīwàng shǐ shūcài bǎochí tiānrán bìngqiě yuǎnlí huàxué yàopǐn.

Jīntiān, wǒ huí dàole nóngchǎng, zhèyàng wǒ jiù kěyǐ kuàisù wánchéng běn bùfèn, ránhòu zài huí dào lìng yībùfèn.

wǒmen chī hěnduō yùmǐ. Zài shōuhuò hòu de chūqí, wǒmen yǒu shí huì zhǔ huò kǎo, ránhòu mài yīxiē. Zhège yùmǐ nóngchǎng de zhǔyào yòngtú shì yòng yú semovita(yùmǐ fěn). Jiāng yùmǐ gānzào bìng yǔ mùshǔ fěn hùnhé yǐ xíngchéng wǒmen xūyào de yùmǐ fěn.

Bùdé bù jìnxíng réngōng chúcǎo yālì hěn dà, dànshì wǒmen bié wú xuǎnzé

rúguǒ jǐ zhōu bù qù cǎo, yǒu shí cǎo hé zuòwù běnshēn yīyàng gāo. Xīwàng wǒmen néng zàixià yǔ zhīqián wánchéng chúcǎo gōngzuò. Rúguǒ zá cǎo ràng zá cǎo liú zài nóngzuòwù zhōuwéi, ér jiàngyǔ zé shǐ cǎo bùsǐ, bìngqiě dāng tā shēngzhǎng dé bǐ méiyǒu chúcǎo shí gèng zāo.

#nín xǐhuān réngōng chúcǎo ma?
Ràng wǒ zài pínglùn bùfèn tīng tīng nín de xiǎngfǎ

I bet your type of manual weeding is as little as your backyard garden and sometimes you just have to remove very little grass. You are aware that you can't use chemicals on most of the vegetables as you want to keep it natural and away from chemicals.

Today I went back into the farm so that I will be able to finish up this part quickly and return back to another part.

We consume alot of corn🌽(maize) . At the early stage after harvesting we boil or roast sometimes and sell some. The main use of this corn farm is for semovita(cornflour) . The maize is dried and mixed with cassava flour to form that which we need.

Having to do manual weeding is very stressful but we have no choice than to do it

Sometimes the grass is as tall as the crops itself if several weeks go without you weeding them. Hopefully we will finish the weeding before rain falls. If we weed allow the weed stay there around the crops and rain falls it make the grassses not to die and when it grows its worst than when you didn't weed.

Do you like manual weeding?

Let me hear your thoughts in the comment section

This post is translated using google translator


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never liked this work but it's necessary. and you can see your efforts in the crop growing much better than before, at least.

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