
in chinese4 years ago

我們一直在努力掙扎,有時被稱為懶惰之類的名字,因為即使面對困難,我們也會努力保持快樂。 超越仇恨,讓他們知道你很堅強,永不放棄,當他們說些什麼時,證明他們是錯誤的。我從未從尼日利亞聯邦政府得到過一毛錢的報酬。是的,我有言論自由,面對邪惡,我永遠不會保持沉默。數十億美元彼此共享,他們希望我們保持沉默嗎?他們說我們需要一場革命,請他們說立即進行一場革命,但我們忽略了所有這些建議,繼續前進,為生存而奮鬥。 今天我在農場上坐著,想知道為什麼我們的總統叫我們懶惰的尼日利亞年輕人,老實說,我仍然沒有找到任何答案,而且這種想法使我發瘋!他為什麼說我們很懶?為了投票給他上任?我們應該保持安靜而死嗎? 我一直在寫信給尼日利亞總統,但我想他從未收到過,但是有一天布哈里會讀我的信,因為他不是那麼懶惰。我們國家的網絡犯罪率正在上升,因為年輕人想要吃飯,他們想學習他們想要生存,但這不是正確的方法。 !

誰現在很懶? 當案件還在上升時,他們為什麼要打開鎖定?每天我們都有新的電暈病病例,每個人都在前進,就像尼日利亞沒有問題一樣。來到尼日利亞,看看一切進展順利,沒有口罩或任何其他保護措施。誰能救我們脫離這種情況???現在誰懶?那些為生存而掙扎的年輕人或無能為力,不知道該怎麼辦的總統。救我們主!

wǒmen yīzhí zài nǔlì zhēngzhá, yǒu shí bèi chēng wèi lǎnduò zhī lèi de míngzì, yīnwèi jíshǐ miàn duì kùnnán, wǒmen yě huì nǔlì bǎochí kuàilè.
Chāoyuè chóuhèn, ràng tāmen zhīdào nǐ hěn jiānqiáng, yǒng bù fàngqì, dāng tāmen shuō xiē shénme shí, zhèngmíng tāmen shì cuòwù de. Wǒ cóng wèi cóng nírìlìyǎ liánbāng zhèngfǔ dédàoguò yī máo qián de bàochóu. Shì de, wǒ yǒu yánlùn zìyóu, miàn duì xié'è, wǒ yǒngyuǎn bù huì bǎochí chénmò. Shù shí yì měiyuán bǐcǐ gòngxiǎng, tāmen xīwàng wǒmen bǎochí chénmò ma? Tāmen shuō wǒmen xūyào yīchǎng gémìng, qǐng tāmen shuō lìjí jìnxíng yīchǎng gémìng, dàn wǒmen hūlüèle suǒyǒu zhèxiē jiànyì, jìxù qiánjìn, wéi shēngcún ér fèndòu.

Jīntiān wǒ zài nóngchǎng shàng zuòzhe, xiǎng zhīdào wèishéme wǒmen de zǒngtǒng jiào wǒmen lǎnduò de nírìlìyǎ niánqīng rén, lǎoshí shuō, wǒ réngrán méiyǒu zhǎodào rènhé dá'àn, érqiě zhè zhǒng xiǎngfǎ shǐ wǒ fāfēng! Tā wèishéme shuō wǒmen hěn lǎn? Wèile tóupiào gěi tā shàngrèn? Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎochí ānjìng ér sǐ ma?

Wǒ yīzhí zài xiě xìn gěi nírìlìyǎ zǒngtǒng, dàn wǒ xiǎng tā cóng wèi shōu dàoguò, dànshì yǒu yītiān bù hālǐ huì dú wǒ de xìn, yīnwèi tā bùshì nàme lǎnduò. Wǒmen guójiā de wǎngluò fànzuì lǜ zhèngzài shàngshēng, yīnwèi niánqīng rén xiǎng yào chīfàn, tāmen xiǎng xuéxí tāmen xiǎng yào shēngcún, dàn zhè bùshì zhèngquè de fāngfǎ. Vut9io.Jpg

##shuí xiànzài hěn lǎn?
Dāng ànjiàn hái zài shàngshēng shí, tāmen wèishéme yào dǎkāi suǒdìng? Měitiān wǒmen dōu yǒu xīn de diàn yūn bìng bìnglì, měi gèrén dōu zài qiánjìn, jiù xiàng nírìlìyǎ méiyǒu wèntí yīyàng. Lái dào nírìlìyǎ, kàn kàn yīqiè jìnzhǎn shùnlì, méiyǒu kǒuzhào huò rènhé qítā bǎohù cuòshī. Shuí néng jiù wǒmen tuōlí zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng??? Xiànzài shuí lǎn? Nàxiē wéi shēngcún ér zhēngzhá de niánqīng rén huò wúnéngwéilì, bù zhīdào gāi zěnme bàn de zǒngtǒng. Jiù wǒmen zhǔ!

We keep struggling and sometimes called lazy and all sort of names because we try to be happy even in the face of difficult.
Rise above hate, let them know you are strong and never give up, prove them wrong when they say stuffs. I have never being paid a single dime from the federal government of Nigeria. Yes I have freedom of speech and I will never be silent in the face of evil. Billions of dollars are shared among themselves and they want us to keep quiet? We need a revolution they said, please do a revolution immediately they said but we ignored all those advices and moved on with our lives and daily struggle for survival.

Today at the farm I sat and was wondering why our president called us lazy Nigerian youths and to be honest I still haven't found any answer to that and the thought of that makes me mad!. Why did he say we are lazy? For voting him into office? Should we keep quiet and die?

I have been writing letters to the president of Nigeria but he never got them I think, but one day Buhari will read my letter is he is not so lazy lol. Cyber crime rate in our country is increasing because youths want to eat, they want to study they want to survive but that's not the right way . vut9io.jpg

Who is lazy now?

Why did they open the Lockdown when cases where still on the rise? Everyday we have new cases of Corona and everyone is moving like there's no problem in Nigeria. Come to Nigeria and see how everything is moving on fine, no face mask or any other protective measures going on. Who will save us from this situation??? Who is lazy now? The youths who are struggling to survive or the president who is clueless and does not know what to do at the moment. Save us lord!!!


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