Potato Roasts - How to get them to come out just right.

in The East African4 years ago

Potato roasts or roast potatoes, as I like to call them, make for an incredible meal when paired with a side of vegetables and minced meat.

There are two ways of going about it. Either you bake them in an oven or fry them.

In this post, I talk about how to fry them.


  • Peeled Potatoes of equal size (10 per person.)
  • Cooking Oil.
  • Salt.
  • Water.

The ingredients are incredibly basic.

You will note, however, that I insist on potatoes being of somewhat the same size. You will see why in a minute.


Step 1 - Boiling

Place a pot half-full with water on the stove and bring it to a boil. The water should be enough to cover the entirety of the potatoes, so measure the quantity depending on the number of potatoes you are cooking.

Once the water is boiling, add in your potatoes and cover the pot. Check every 5 minutes if the potatoes are ready by using a clean fork to pierce a few of the potatoes and seeing how far it goes in.


Don't do it like this. Do it from the side so as not to split the potato.

Since the potatoes are all about the same size, this will ensure they cook evenly. This will help you avoid some turning into mush or breaking apart.

Check even more regularly (every 1-2 minutes) if you are not satisfied with the readiness of the potatoes.


Can you spot the potato with fork marks??

Once you are satisfied, take the pot off the stove and pour out the water very carefully. You do not want the potatoes banging against each other and getting crushed.

Step 2 - Frying

Assuming you managed to get past the first step with perfectly cooked and full potatoes, you are now ready to fry them.

Prepare a pot with a generous amount of cooking oil and let it heat up. You don't want it smokey, just hot enough.

Once ready, add in a couple of potatoes at a time.

This helps to make sure the potatoes brown properly. If you add a whole bunch at a time, it will take too much time to brown the potatoes. By the time they do, you will have overcooked them.

Do this for the entire serving and place them in a hotpot to keep them warm.


Salt the bunch as you see fit and serve hot.

Note: If you do it right, you will have potatoes with a browned exterior as well as a soft delicious interior. They are perfect for a casual Sunday dinner since they are easy to prepare and can be taken for breakfast as well on a lazy Monday morning.

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