Message Behind the Flowers Beauty.

in Old_Gems5 years ago

Dear friends!

did we think any time? that what is the purpose of every flower? what is the message is behind the every flower color and its petals.? why every color has different color, and many flowers has multi colors. so did we try to learn the message of these flowers that they have behind these colors. when i tried to find the message of behind these colors. i got only one message that flowers mean beauty, peace,love,romance,fragrance.these all words are message to human being that if you wanna life beautiful then follow flowers. we all know that flowers has many enemies. enemies that those people who pluck the flowers and after having in hands for few mints then throw the flowers on grounds so these are enemies are flowers. why do they pluck the from from its branches , when they can not keep the flowers in hands for ever. flowers are not just pluck and throw on the ground. flowers are forever. flowers are beauty of our are sign of are fragrance of our are blessing of Allah. flowers give us satisfactions. flowers provide the life to nature. flowers are message of love to lover of the nature.




My Heart Feeling For Flowers

my heart feeling for flowers. you are my soul and fragrance of feeling. i have nothing but just your colors. i have all if your petals are alive. if you bloom then i am alive. my courage is spring of your bud. my success is your dance of full bloom. when i see you with honey bee in the garden , i feel world is charming and beautiful place of the universe is garden where you are with bee with dance mood of in spring. there is nothing but every things is you . my soul is happy if your petals are fresh and bathing with dew drops. dew drops look like a silver but you are my silver and gold more than demand beauty. thank you flowers for this love and beauty and feeling.




Message Behind the Flowers Beauty.

flowers beauty has only message of peace. flowers never fight, flowers always increase the beauty of world. flowers are part of the beauty and peace. it is the message of flowers beauty. if you wanna see your self , face beautiful then make this world more peaceful for every one. always think and keep positive thought for the world and for every person. never have hate feeling for any person. flowers give message that we love with every things. flowers never stop bee to collect honey from them. flowers also do not stop other insect to having access to flowers. flowers beauty is for every one. so it is the message that we human also should treat with every things with peace , love, . so it is the message of flowers. we can see this time every corner of the world has sadness. every garden of the human being is facing sadness because of human behave. let come and we accept the message of flowers to make this world more beautiful like flowers.





Dear friends love this world. and make your effort to make it peaceful. it is the purpose of my this post. if we will not think about our universe then animals will not come to make it peaceful. let make it beautiful and spread the fragrance of the human being every where. we are flowers , you are flower of this garden. so we have a lot of colors .


last few days ago, i took these all beautiful pictures from my mobile phone. and today i am sharing with you all. hope you all will enjoy my this beautiful post text and also photographs flowers. dear friends i love photos , travel photography and food photography very much. but i need more guide line from all of you . if you like my work then appreciate it , because your words are my power thank you very much .


last words i would like to say that love love love and spread peace peace and spread fragrance of your thought here on steemit make this world beautiful, because we live here, we enjoy here , we can do it , we can achieve every goal just make your thought beautiful, rise your self with good thought and achieve what you want to do.


here is every things for you. every flower is for you. every food for you . every success is for you. but there is not hate for you. there is no sadness for you. there is not jealousy for you. every good things and deed is for you. just need to understand it. never lose temper , always increase love , peace.

thank you very much for visiting my post . i love you all





How beautiful are all the flowers, They have my favorite colors, I love them!

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