Una Flor de lindo Color - [En]A Flower of Beautiful Color | My Photo Blog - Flowers

in Old_Gems5 years ago

Soy gran fan de estas flores, no se si es su color, la forma o lo resistentes que son a cualquier clima, que se les puede en casi todas las estaciones.

I'm a big fan of these flowers, I don't know if it's their color, shape or how resistant they are to any climate, which you can do in almost all seasons.


La más comunes son estas, las de color púrpura, o al menos son las más elegidas por las personas para decorar sus jardines, quizás sea por ese hermoso tono fuerte y el contraste con su botón que las hace perfectas para cualquier lugar.

[En]The most common are these, the purple ones, or at least they are the most chosen by people to decorate their gardens, perhaps because of that beautiful strong tone and the contrast with their button that makes them perfect for any place.



Las he visto en varios tonos y en variedades de colores, mis favoritas las blancas y las amarillas, creo que es porque su centro resalta perfectamente entre sus elegantes pétalos.

[En]I've seen them in various shades and varieties of colors, my favorite ones being white and yellow, I think it's because their center stands out perfectly among their elegant petals.


Una curiosidad que posee esta flor es, que cuando comienza a marchitarse sus pétalos van cerrándose hasta contornear y oscurecerse manteniéndose así por un tiempo, siendo de igual forma hermosas, aunque ya no se abran como las jóvenes flores al amanecer.

[En]A curiosity that this flower possesses is that when it begins to wilt its petals are closed until they contour and darken remaining thus for a time, being of equal form beautiful, although no longer they are opened like the young flowers at the dawn.

Taken with a Canon EOS Rebel T2i. All Rights Reserved
All photographs are my property, I like to share them as well as my experiences.



I love flowers

Me too. Thanks for stopping by.🙂

you are welcome

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Hermosas capturas...
Un saludo!! :)

Muchas gracias :)

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