Steemit Nursery Contest: My Perfect Day/Mi Dia Perfecto by @yuceetoria

in Steemit Nursery2 years ago (edited)

First, I want to thank @inspiration for this amazing contest to discuss my perfect day.


What exactly would you define as your perfect day. Previously, I didn't think that there's a day that I could pinpoint as being perfect but thankfully, after attending an event, I learned to program my mind for victory, for success, and for things to be perfect in different situations.





I have come to realize that what we tell ourselves subconsciously overtime is what works for us. What you tell yourself, listen to and watch first thing in the morning does great work more than we can imagine. So, if the first thing you think early in the morning is that 'today is not going to work for me', I wouldn't be surprised if your day goes haywire. But if you grow to have positive outlook to everything, then your days would work out, not that everyday would always be perfect, but that those days when it doesn't work out you will have the energy to put through.





My perfect day came for me when I graduated from the University, from the Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra. It felt surreal because I had sought for admission into the tertiary institution for 3 years. At the time when I got the admission, I had this feeling of let's get it over with. It got to a point when I was tired seeing other go to school, and I was get to get mine. Graduating was a dream come true for me, it was already long overdue with couple of strikes that our lecturers have embarked in because of unpaid salaries and the covid-19 which distrubt most academic activities. That day was so perfect even though I still had two papers to write that day but I didn't feel the pressure.

In the morning, I prepared feeling elated because woww, this was finally happening. My department had already planned the uniform we would wear for our graduation, and everyone was supposed to wear it to the exam hall. By 7:40 am, my friends and I went to the halls for the first place that would be starting by 8 am. Thank God, the paper was a sweet one, all that we read came out which enabled us to write will joy and finish by 10 am. The lecturer came in to the hall and prayed for all the graduating students before we started the exams, we thanked him for being a good lecturer and always encouraging us to be better.

All the students rushed out to partake in a tradition that we do participate in Nigeria Universities, it is called 'signing out'. Where all the graduating student put on any white top for other students to sign out. In a way, those students signing on the white polos of the graduating students are sharing in our joy and also signing their future graduation, this way, they are believing that they will graduate too.

By the time we finished with the first paper, everyone was vibrating with happiness, we all wanted to go out, take pictures to preserve memories. By 2 pm, we went back to write the 2nd paper and finished by 4 pm. Some of my colleagues had already made plans to party outside the school environment but I decided to stay back because I didn't have strength to party.

Here is my perfect day story @steemitnursery, I can't wait to read all about your perfect days.

I invite @confydence, @annabel9 @iamvictoria to partake in the contest.

#learnwithsteem #contest #writing #nigeria #steemitnursery #club5050

 2 years ago 

Hello @yuceetoria, thank you very much for participating and telling us about your perfect day.

Please correct the tags, it should be: #contest #writing #yourcountry (your country)

Thank you for participating in this contest, I wish you much success.

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Congratulations for a successful graduation, I have realized that strike has become a part of our educational system and it's only God that can salvage the Nigerian educational system from this great menace. Thanks for updating us bye.

 2 years ago 

Graduation days are always a happy day. For me it was too. Congratulations.

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