My first steps in STEEMIT 👣 Contest ; @shahzadprincejee

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago


Hope you will fine . I am also fine . Thanks to @steemitnursery .


Q1: How did you hear about Steemit? What do you think about it?


Almost one month ago, I met my friend @mubeenaslam . He is also a steemian. He told me about this great platform . He said to me that you wasting your time in other social networks . Please join steemit and help to your family . Because your dad is a hard working man . He told me the scope of this platform. I asked him about it with very conciousness. I was shocked to know about this platform. I asked him that how can i create my new account. He told me each and everything about the first post. I told him that brother can you help for take my first photo for 1st post. He captured my photo .

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I followed the @cryptokannon and i published my first achievement . In few days, I had verified my first achievement. Then i studied the next achiements. Soon i realized that steemit is great platform who give us the opportunity to the people who wants to earn money by sharing their skills , moments and other activities. I love to steemit.

Q2: How did you do with your accomplishments in the newcomer community and which one are you looking for?


In the newcomer's community , I have completed my 03 tasks. When i completed my first achievement then i posted in the other communities such as steem nursery. I love steem nursery . It is very beneficial for the newcomer's . In a few days, I worked hard in steem nursery and got the newborn label from the steem nursery community. i can show you .

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I have got a good experience in the last month .Now i have not getting the good rewards from the almost 1 to 4 communities . But i did not give up. Now still, i am working very hard in my subscribed communities. Now i am looking for a good communities for good rewards from there . I want to become a moderator of steem nursery community and STEEMIT PAKISTAN community. I also want to operate a new community.

Q3: What things have you learned that you did not know before coming to Steemit?


I have learnt a lot of things from this great platform. First of all, I did not know about the plagiarism . When i studied my 3rd achievement then i knew about the plagiarism. Now i have a great knowledge about the plagiarism. Beside this , there are many of things which i learnt from this platform.

Q4: What have you not learned or yet do not understand? And what are your doubts about it?


I have some doubts about the curation rewards. First , Why we can not get the rewards in our wallet immediately? Seven days , we have to wait. And my next question is that when i verified my first achievement i got 8.55 dollars but after seven days . I got only 5.68 dollars which is redeemed by me in the wallet .

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And my next question that is why not we get the total dollars . We get only 1/4 part of total dollars.

Q05; Name at least two nice people you've met and tell us what they did to win you over.

Ans ;

I have met with two nice people on steemit. One is my best friend @zeeshanakram he guided me about the 3rd achievement which was about the plagiarism. And the other person is @papi.mati who guided me to power up. Then i have started following them . And now i want to say thank you to all steemit team.

Q6: Which user do you admire or is he an example to follow for you?


When i joined the steemit . I was writing achiements. My country representative helped me a lot and gave me curator upvotes. . He approved my tasks and guided me . And now i want to be like him on steemit . I have followed him . I like him very much . He is such a great leader.

Q07: How do you see yourself in 6 months on steemit? What is your goal? How many Steem Powers do you expect to build during that 6-month period?


After six months , i want to see myself as a country representative of Pakistan . It is my dream . My expectation are really very high and i will must fulfill my expectations. I want to build more than 6000 steem power during the next 6 months . I can power up much but i have to withdraw some dollars because i belong to third class family . And i want to help my family . My father is hardworking man . Still now i am studying in 12 class.

Q8: What would you tell a friend to join steemit?

Ans ;

I have convinced many of my friends to join steemit . I have told them steemit is a great platform which is based on blockchain technologies. I guided him with my full power. I told them that they are wasting their time in other bad activities . I told them that they can become hands of their family. They can earn money from this platform and can help to their families. Many of them , now they are the part of steemit. But few people lack of mobile or computers could not work on this platform because they have belong to poor families like me . But I thank to Allah i have a android mobile and a Core (TM) 2 Duo system.

The username of my friends;

@amirnaseem etc.

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Thanks for reading my post. Thanks to whole nursery family. Special thanks to @ghostfacer99.

Special Thanks to;


Regards by;


 3 years ago 

Hola @shahzadprincejee.

I really enjoyed reading your experience.
It is true what you say Steemit is a great platform that gives you many benefits. At the beginning you have to learn a lot to be successful, you also have to be persistent and patient.

What you ask about the rewards, the answer is that the rewards vary according to the price of the currency, the currencies fluctuate and the rewards also, because the rewards are given in these currencies.

The rewards are also divided because a part 50% is for authors and another, 50% is for curators, a part goes in liquid currency and another goes to Steem power. In reality you receive 50% of rewards only that 25% is liquid and the other 25% is in steem power.

You also receive rewards as a curator when you vote for others.

I hope I have solved some of your doubts.

Thank you very much for participating in this contest. I wish you much success.

Thank you for the informative response.

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