
in Steemit Nursery4 years ago

Hi Steemians,


Now that the year is coming to an end, I have to say it was a crazy ride! It wasn't all bad. But it definitely wasn't like I expected it to go.


It started off with me being the first Tap Dancer ever mentioned in the "Visions" section of Jazzwise magazine. That gave me a huge boost and lots of bookings for gigs.

Not for long though. The day before Continental Europe shut down I did two gigs. One as a contemporary dancer at 5pm one as a tap dancer at 9pm.


I could literally already see myself doing this all the time, despite it being one of the most exhausting days of my life! Little did I know that was going to be the last time I was going to be in front of a live audience for a long time!


The one thing I learned from Jazz is, the most important thing is to be a master improviser.

This came in very handy during the pandemic, it enabled me to "go with the flow".
To take ownership. To know when to lead and to follow. To deal with what I am given right there and then and make the best of it.

Regardless of how many things went wrong this year, I ended up performing in 4 online concerts, one of them with Cleveland Watkiss who is one of my biggest role models, 3 Resonances performances, and creating a short film. Things I would have never done under normal circumstances.

This is the trailer for a Resonances performance in Summer.

I don't really know what 2021 will bring, but I always believed that artists have to be leaders in society, so I'll just keep on keeping on.


I believe you already were a master improviser before you discovered jazz. That’s why the two of you are such a perfect match!

Well done! Dance is so exacting a craft and skill. Thank you for sharing your achievement with us. We are honored to be able to share in this wonderful acolade.

 4 years ago 

Thank you! I am glad you like reading about it!

I really admire artists like you very much! Soon you will be able to dance freely in front of your audience !! It is a very beautiful feeling!! Have a Happy New Year my friend!!

 4 years ago 

Thank you!!!! Happy new year to you too!!

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