The Diary Game 27-07-21 [En/Es] Merienda de torticas de plátano / Banana tortilla snack

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago

mis torticas de platano

Saludos, les cuento que hoy prepare sopa de pollo para el almuerzo, y como decimos en casa, eso pasa rápido. Es decir, a las pocas horas ya uno tiene hambre de nuevo, es una comida muy ligera.

Por ello, a las dos horas llame a mis hijas de 12 y 9 años a que prepararan torticas de plátano, corrieron a lavarse las manos y poner los delantales y gorros de cocina, solo les fui dando instrucciones: busquen

  • un plátano maduro en la nevera,
  • dos huevos,
  • harina de trigo,
  • sal,
  • azúcar
  • y un poco de harina de maíz, sí, un poco para que pueda esponjar al freír,

Así estuvieron un buen rato preparando la mezcla, les dije que hasta que estuviera algo espesa, para que no se enchumbe de aceite, así decimos al referirnos que no se llenen por dentro de aceite.
Yo me encargué de la fritura, crecieron como esponjitas, ellas las distribuyeron, a la vez que iban comiendo 😜.

Gracias por leer, hasta luego...


Greetings, today I prepared chicken soup for lunch, and as we say at home, it goes fast. That is, a few hours later you are hungry again, it is a very light meal.

So, two hours later I called my 12 and 9 year old daughters to prepare plantain tortillas, they ran to wash their hands and put on their aprons and kitchen hats, I just gave them instructions: look for a ripe plantain in the kitchen, and I gave them the following instructions: "I am going to make some plantain tortillas.

  • a ripe plantain in the refrigerator,
  • two eggs,
  • wheat flour,
  • salt,
  • sugar
  • and a little corn flour, yes, a little so it can fluff up when frying,

They were preparing the mixture for a while, I told them that until it was a little thick, so it wouldn't get covered with oil, that's what we say when we say that they don't get full of oil inside.
I was in charge of the frying, they grew like little sponges, they distributed them, at the same time they were eating 😜.

Thanks for reading, see you later...


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Fotos tomadas con mi celular Alcatel Cameox

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