Steemit Nursery Contest // How has steemit improved my life // @fiaznawaz / August 18,2021

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago

Hello all the users Hope so well for all of you. This is very interesting contest.



This contest would give information to new commers about steemit and its mannners. This contest would give the professional attitide to all the users. Lets have answers of all questions given in the contest.

Question 01:

How do you think that steemit has improved your life?

Yes, steemit has changed my life in real senses in following ways:


Source of income:

It is very beneficial and easy way to earn the money by sitting at home places. Now a day millions of persons are not getting jobs. Poverty is leading the countries towards the disaster. In that case, steemit has provided me a platform, where I can earn a lot of money through my intelligence and hard work.


There are many communities working on this platform. You can earn money from posting informative posts in different communities. Such as Steemit Nursery and Steemit crypto academy provide the chance to earn money.

Improve writing skills:


Writing is an artwork which is compulsory for every professional. Sensible writing molds the living life towards positivism. Such as you can do anything from writing impression which is not possible though other ways. While posting in communities, I need writing impression.
Steemit has given me a chance to improve my writing skills. And now, I am able to write the posts in my own words. Which was not possible earlier.

I have learnt, how to be patient:



I posted different posts in different communities, but, receive support after a long time. In this manner, steemit has taught me to be patient in professional life.
In professional life: once have to be cool minded. Now, I have learnt through this platform that how to be patient and consistent for better result.

Shows the reality:

Steemit expose the reel knowledge of me. It gives me a chance to judge my weak and strong areas. It depicts the reality of about us.

Question 02:

Have you been curious or willing to contribute to steemit? How do you think you can do it?

Surely I am very curious about steemit. I am anxiously willing to do my best for steemit. Steemit is a platform, where every member exposes their knowledge. There are different communities which are sharing knowledge related to all topics of global world. After joining them, we can vast our knowledge skills.

I have joined many communities such as zero to infinity, Steemit nursery and steemit crypto academy where I post different posts on science and other related topic and expose my knowledge for all members.

However I read the different posts and highlight the important points and guide where there is weakness. I am very curious about its functions and voting process. Sometimes I have to wait for a month after posting many post for vote but all in vain. I am curious and want to know what the reason behind it is. Actually there must be proper schedule for voting process.
I can give the special time and can do the best for the beneficiary purpose of steemit. I just need the proper way and the guider in real senses for seeking the way from where I may perform for the steemit. However through posting very valuable posts on steemit I am trying to perform the best.

Question: 03

How do you think steemit can help others?

Through reading the different posts in new comer’s community one may be able to understand the all-pros and cons about steemit.

Steemit can help others in following ways:

  • It helps financially to others through giving the vote.

  • Steemit can help someone to find the current problems and solutions through its posts on current topic. On the
    steemit, all the current issues are also going to be discussed.

  • Steemit is the house of ideas. Different ideas are discussed in different angles. On steemit all ideas are discussed and
    one may be able to find the real meaning of his requirement.

  • Friends can up vote the posts of friends by encouraging them to join this platform for earning.

  • It shares the resource that helps the new comer’s to be promoted in this platform.



 3 years ago (edited)

Hi @fiaznawaz

When you have little time on Steemit, it is good to focus on learning. If you have already made all your achievements you can participate in the Cryptoacademy and learn a lot and get rewards for doing the tasks well.
I recommend that you continue learning and be persistent, which is the way you will continue to advance in Steemit. I wish you a lot of success.

Thank you very much for participating in the contest.


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