in Steemit Nursery3 years ago (edited)

Greetings Noble members of this great community.
It pleases me to be part of this great contest.

I want to say a big thank you to @belenguerra for the ability to think and creat something so intense, critic and task worthy of the brain.

All this imaginary contest help us to think I to the future contest of this nature to me I see it as an eye opener to the nearest future. This contest will help us reflect on our various life's, I feel really great to take part in this contest.


Firstly, I will like to discuss briefly what visualizing is simply an acting of making the things if the abstract seen.(seen with the mind)
It simply means having a mental picture of an object.

Also, To visualize something is to be able to see it in your mind. ... Visualizing is a lot like imagining — both involve picturing something in your mind.

Haven gotten the an insight of the meaning of visualizing.
Further more, Visualizing steemit seems far more a greater purpose, this is what makes it all interesting.

For me seeing the great hight and purpose steemit has serve for the past 5 years of creation, the platform has gone to a very high appex for just fine year. Consider adding and extra year to it come and talk of adding a whole 3 years
That is really going to be huge.

See steemit as been a man(this was one great contest I regret not taking part in) or take Steem to be you. Consider the progresses you make on a daily, the sacrifices you make. Then visualize your self in the next 3 years. If you are the hard working type you would have gone so far bt then.

I will say with the collective progress we all make here on this platform that alone determines the progress of this platform.

We are steemit,the very day we decide to stop working the very day the platform starts to fall.

With the rate at which we work now if we keep to it I say this plartform will go a long way.. I visualize Steem as attaining higher highest the BTC ever did.

Thanks for reading @distinction.

I want to say a big thank you to. @booming03, @steemcurator03, @steemcurator02, @steemcuratoe01, @steemitblog, @belenguerra, @bright-obias for their support. Thanks.
I hope his meets the required standard of this contest.


Definitivamente coincido contigo Steemit somos todos nosotros, debemos mantenernos activos trabajando por el bien de la comunidad.
Éxitos en el concurso!!

 3 years ago 

Thanks Alot.

Great post my friend!! This is true! I agree with you, through our work and posting, we will help Steemit grow even more!!

Thanks a lot for joining and greetings from Argentina!!

 3 years ago 

Really appreciate you @belenguerra.
Thanks for everything you have been doing.
Thanks once more
Greetings from Nigeria

Thanks to you!! :) :)

 3 years ago 

Always welcome dear friend.

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