Steem Nursery Contest: My first steps in STEEMIT @essygold//07/06/2021

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago


It is my pleasure to narrate the story so far about my journey in the Steemit community since I joined some few weeks ago precisely May 17th when my account was created. To me this was the best thing to do and use my time for as I thought it worths putting in my efforts and energy.

When I heard about this Social Network early this year through my sister @meymeyshops, I was hesitant over it as I thought it to be one of those Multi-Level marketing business, so I winked my eye on it. @meymeyshops keep talking about it and how busy she is – writing one article after another. I just thought it to be “one-of-those heaven and earth” promising companies so I never asked questions.


At about March this year my sister @meymeyshops talked so much about her earnings so I asked her to tell my younger sister so she too can start up with her at least and get some few Nairas in income to keep body and soul alive. So she @goodspeed22 joined and within 1 month she has already started writing and earning income too. It was then that my interest heightened. But my concerns were on how will I be able to get the information to write on and if I will be able to make a good post.

Although I had been writing scripts in the past years but things have changed drastically and a lot of advancement on Google and social medias. So I was wondering if what I may want to write on has not already been written before by someone else and shared on Google search. I was a bit sceptical.


Seeing my 2 sister’s earning income through this medium pushed me to jump at it with full speed. I made up my mind to start and then sent for my enrolment. That same day, my Page was beautifully designed and sent to me. Awesome!

Now my doubts came up fully. There are many new terms to learn. Terms such as Curators, Greeters, Steem Power, Hives, SBD, Crypto Academy, Vesting, @ this, # tag this, Votes etc. etc. are what am still battling to master fully. Even to see where to comment on was a big issue for me, not knowing I was just to tap on REPLY.

I remember rushing to @goodspeed22’s house with my laptop so she can put me through on how to post my introduction first post. I have already written a name on a piece of paper with dates of the previous day that my account was set up and snapped a picture with it and got to her house the following day. Not knowing it has to bear the current date you are posting it.

That day, I was highly disappointed with all the efforts I put in after dragging my husband so-to-say to take picture with me with the paper, I had to rush back home and took another picture with him with the current date. Though frustrating some-how, but I never regretted it. I learned a lot of lessons there – humility and obedience. I remembered two of my mentors in this context – Mark A. Stevens (CEO) of Trevo LLC that ‘

being Consistent and persistent leads to success’

and Les Brown says – there is

‘Greatness within you’

With this in mind, I forge ahead.


I love making videos. My first article Contest in STEEMWOMENS CLUB – Home made Recipe - I used a video and I created it through It was not easy for me at the beginning because I have to make a lot of calls to @meymeyshops so that I can make a good and quality video using App of Steemit. She has to take my videos to a Video Outfit for editing and she paid money for that, before I could finally transfer it to I was so much touched at that gesture of hers. That also made me to understand that this is not a joking affair, its big business. Finally I have learned that.

Am very happy to say ‘kudos to Steemit’ for this simple tool to make videos.

Although I have already known @meymeyshops and @goodspeed22 – (these are my younger sisters) I have come to love and appreciate them the more for their care over me. Teaching me. Imagine waking @meymeyshops by 12.30am when sleep is just getting sweeter. I told her please let us finish this thing so I can be free from those Achievements. She always obliged and with smiles she follows me along with a lot of advice and tips on how to do it. She has always read my posts and made corrections before giving me a go-ahead to post it. Its been fun anywhere, I love her.


I have also come to appreciate @focusnow Mr. Charles Okeke for being caring and trusting. We have not met personally one-on-one but each time I chat him on whatsap or call, within minutes he responds back and give answers to whatever is the question on hand.

I was so surprised that he sent me some Steem Power when my videos could not get to its finish due to lack of fund in my wallet. He volunteered and sent me a huge sum. He just acted like a father to me instantly when I needed help and supported me. I know that any day we will meet personally we will get to know each other better and appreciate ourselves the more. He also helped me to Power Up my Steem when I sent money to him as I did not know how to do it yet. Infact he is a Leader to follow, because I can see he’s already touching lives with his leadership acumen.


From now till December 2021, I must have developed myself to a higher level in the Steemit Community. I look forward to introducing many more other friends and acquaintances to join the Steem Social Network business. During my conversations with them I can initiate the idea by asking questions.

I will say to a business-minded friend: Because we are in the era of self-reliance, do you have another system an option that can bring more success to you financially? I wait for response.

Then I add: Would it be ok if I show you a system that I am using now and how you can make this work best for you to earn additional income? If she says YES. Then I introduce the Steemit social network.

To a Stay-at-home Mum and friend I will apply the Multi-Level Marketing system of approach on how to use Magic words that can move someone to take action immediately. Here is how the conversation will look like:

"Hi Dora. How are you? Is this a good time? Its me Esther, I’m calling because you have been on my mind. I think I’ve found a business we can work together to create a second stream of income for both of us. I just started a home-based business with a Social Media Blockchain called Steemit.

Have you ever heard of them? (allow for response) I’m calling you because during our last discussion you asked me to suggest a business you can do, that you are getting tired of the system this days. I know you are so outgoing, you are smart, you are so much fun to be around and people are drawn to you. Is it not so? (allow for response) I also remembered you sharing with me that you are looking for a way to be at home with your children and to make extra money to supplement your current income. I’d love to talk to you more about Steemit so you could see if this would be a good fit for you. Dora, don’t say yes or no right now. If you could find just a few minutes to chat, I’d like to give you some information so that you can take an honest look at this. I think you’ll be surprised at what you’ll hear. Besides, I would love to work with you – we could have so much fun together!”


Presently am already having over 60 Steem. I look forward to accumulating over 1000 Steem by December 2021. I am planning using the money realised to fund a project.
Thank you for allowing me to speak my mind on the new journey so far with the Steemit Social Media Blockchain Technology.

I invite my friends to also do the contest, - @nenyebaby @ijelady and @beautybb


 3 years ago 

You really have nice experience

 3 years ago 

Hello @essygold, thank you very much for participating in this beautiful contest, we are very happy that you have met incredible people here. I am happy that you are realizing your achievements as newcomer.

I am also sure that if you put effort and dedication you will increase your Steem Power much more than you expect in these next 6 months.

Thank you very much for participating.

By the way, I want to remind everyone who is watching this, that it is necessary to include the link of achievement 1 at the end of each of your posts within Steem Nursery. Thank you very much to all.

This post has been rewarded by @bright-obias from @steemcurator04 Account with support from the Steem Community Curation Project."

Keep posting good content and keep following @steemitblog for more updates. Thank you, Steemit Team!

 3 years ago 

Am very grateful @bright-obias, thanks so much for voting me. I promise to do more by God's grace.

 3 years ago 

Welcome to steemit,where you earn and learn,we welcome you

 3 years ago 

Thanks so much

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