in Steemit Nursery3 years ago (edited)



Heart Rate is the number of times is the number of times the heart beats in a minute.

Normal heart rate is 72beat per minute 👌

  • Basic heart rate is set by the "Intrinsic Conducting System" S.A Node.(Sinu Atrial Node)🤗

  • Autonomic Nervous System controls the heart rate in the following ways;

Stimulation of the sympathetic: Increases heart rate(chronotropy)🤔

Stimulation of the parasympathetic:decreases and slows the heart rate and force of contraction(inotropy)👍

Salient Point 😎

Vagus nerve in the parasympathetic releases acetylcholine a neurotransmitter that slows down heart rate👌

Salient Point 😃

Sympathetic releases noradrenaline a neurotransmitter that increases the heart rate😄


  • Higher Centers✌ :

In the brain, hypothalamus and limbic
cortex stimulates and affects heart rate; excitement, anger, fear, sexual arousal, increase heart rate. Depression and grief decreases heart rate.

  • Respiratory Centers 😃:

During breathing( inspiration increases heart rate and expiration heart rate falls). This ia called Sinus Arrhythmia

  • Chemoreceptors 😮 :

Chemicals such as adrenalin and acetylcholine also increases and decreases heart rate respectively.

  • Baroreceptors 🤓:

Slowing of heart rate, vasodilation and fall in Blood Pressure.

  • Exercise 🤔 :

During exercise there is an increase in heart rate and inhibition of vagus nerve👌

  • Sleep 🤗 :

During Sleep heart rate is slowest

  • Atrial Receptors 👍:

Artrial stretch receptors such as knee strech reflex receptors and artrial type B stretch receptors leads to an increase in heart rate.

  • Temperature:

Rate of Sinu Atrial Node S.A node discharge increases with temperature increase.

  • Physical training 👌:

Heart rate is lower naturally in people who are physically fit...take note ✌

  • Hormones 😮 :

Thyroxine increases heart rate

Hyperthyroidism causes tarchycardia( Increase in heart rate about 100 times per minute)
that persists during sleep while
hypothyroidism results in bradycardia( decrease in heart rate usually 60 beats per minute


A good diet and regular exercise, with fruits too can greatly improve the health conditions of your heart...Try too to get rest and sleep to get an optimum heart.


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