Steemit Nursery Contest: Tell me what you are learning by @bedarg

in Steemit Nursery2 years ago


I have learned through my years many things, cooking, sewing, ironing, how to work, but if I am learning something important in the last 2 years is how to work with social networks, especially with steemit, with steemit I have learned to write more, to read more and a little English, besides being more creative when writing my anecdotes, and not only that, also with other social networks like YouTube, with videos and my daughter who is teaching me to edit both videos and photos, with videos and my daughter who is teaching me to edit both videos and photos and well little by little I am learning, of course there is a saying in Venezuela that "old parrot does not learn to speak" but that turns out to be a lie.


Here on #steemit I am learning new and rewarding things, I believe that in the world people can and have the right to learn something a trade a career whatever it is that helps us to be more productive for society, not only schools and universities teach us or books there are things or people in the world that can teach us or be our teachers and the truth is my daughter is my teacher my mentor in this new company called cyberspace with which we all work, we can not be better if we do not learn from something or someone you have to be virtuous today to learn something, if life has not taught us anything it is to never stop learning because there is always an opportunity to get ahead but how to do it if we do not know how to do anything, God has a purpose for everyone but it is our duty to learn something so that this purpose can be realized in our life do not you believe, I do believe it so much that when my daughter started working with cyberspace I thought I would not make money and in the end now I with the help of my daughter I am making money see the twists and turns that life gives.

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 2 years ago 

Hola @bedarg. Tienes razón al decir que aprender no tiene edad y mucho depende del interés de la persona, es muy bueno que tu hija te ayuda y sea como una guía para ti.

Gracias por participar en este concurso, te deseo mucho éxito.

Te lo agradezco mucho

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

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