#thediary game better life (08/062021)||Today Am vist Changa Manga Forest (🌵🌿🌲🌳)and enjoy whole day@aliakram23

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago

Hello friends how are you i hope you are all well and you are living your life with laughter

Morning Time

friends today i should get up early so i went to the incident ground with my house where i When I started exercising, there was a lot of people there who come to exercise in the morning. After exercising, I will go back home.Friends, when I came back home, I came and washed my face thoroughly. After washing my face, breakfast was ready. You had breakfast, which was very delicious, and I danced very well, because after breakfast So I had breakfast
After breakfast I thought I should rest a little but my friend got a call so late that where are you now so I told him that I am at home at that time he said we will go for a walk If you have to go, tell me there is one seat left, so I said let's go with you, because I'm free today anyway, my friends said we're coming to pick you up at your house. We will get you out of the house and we will pick you up from there. I stood outside in a group of friends. You came to pick me up after a while. All my friends and three friends left on a motorbike.Shang asked then about the house is located a hundred kilometers we had to go almost the hours they do the way too bad on the bike rftn Then we decided to go slowly about an hour or uncle When we got there, there was a very green environment and it looked very nice. Then we parked the motorcycle in a parking lot so that no one would pick it up. We started going inside after that. There was also a ticket for Changa Manga.

Changaa Manga Forest.





To get a ticket we contacted a man from there because the ticket was closed and we asked the man if I needed a ticket so he left. When we entered we found a very nice atmosphere. I was looking at it very well because I was coming for the first time to ask for a friend. The green and tall trees there were swaying with the people so I felt very good. Turn on your mobile phone camera and start taking pictures. Friends, there is also a lake which is very famous by its name. People would take you there by boat.






Friends, I took some lovely pictures of the prison so that I can show you people what a lovely day I have enjoyed today and what a lovely day it is. I also saw people walking there who looked very lovely. There were children swinging on them. I thought I would share their pictures with you people. It is very good there and it is known as a very nice park and forest. Friends, I was very kind there. Photography so you can tell people how this park is decorated so there is also a minaret pakistan.Friends, I saw a scene where a lot of people were lying on a boat, but it was swimming very well. Then I saw a duckling there that looked very cute She looked so good walking on the lake and she looked so cute.Friends, today was a very good and beautiful day for me because today we friends visited such a lovely place that what can I tell you now that there was such a lush green place with tall trees and a lovely lake. There was a lot of fun going on and there were phrases for the kids so that what I could play was a very nice park and a very nice forest where we came from then we were hungry so a friend of mine said He said, "Bring an improvised explosive device (IED) here, where we eat. Friends, we ate there again, and then we thought that it was evening time.

Dinner Time 🥣



Friends, then we left for home and as we were coming, we started to hear the evening call. Then when we reached home, we came home and said goodbye to each other. Friends, this was my diary. And you will like it very much and share it with your friends and it will be thank you

Other details

Camera vivoy51
location Changa manga

I love Steemit

 3 years ago 

Un saludo venezolano amigo . Que bueno al despertar ponerte hacer ejercicio es muy bueno para la salud y activar el cuerpo.

Muy agradable tu salida a ese parte tan hermosa muy aluciva la naturaleza hermosa las fotos.

#affable #venezuela

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