"My first steps in STEEMIT" by @alexanderpeace; contest entry.

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago

Hello amazing people of steem nursery community. This is my first contest in this community and am glad to be part of it. I hope you like my post. I want to thank @saracampero6 and @steemit for this opportunity I'll be sharing with us my experiences so far in steemit. Am going to narrate my experiences using the guidelines given.


How I got to know about steemit.

I got to know about steemit through my city cordinator @ceendy20. She's a friend and colleague. She always posts about steemit on her whatsapp status. I'd view them and not show any interest until one faithful day, I decided to ask her about it and she did put me through. So the next day, I signed up.

some doubts and concerns.

I had some doubts and concerns before I joined steemit. I asked alot of questions because I was looking at something with prospect. I wanted something original because I had been into so many online platforms which fold up months later leaving you in despair. So I didn't want to be involved in such unstable ventures anymore. So I asked alot of questions until I was finally convinced to give steemit a try.

What do you think about it?

Am 29 days old in steemit. From the much I've learnt, I think steemit is a wonderful platform with a great future. I love steemit it because it challenges me. It's majorly The proof of brain for me. Steemit keeps me on my toes and pushes me to be better everyday. It keeps me searching and looking out for ways to create quality contents In the various communities I find myself in and also irons in the desire to see those community grow through my own little contributions.

How did you do with your accomplishments in the newcomer community and which one are you looking for?

I've been able to accomplish some of the achievements in newcomers community with the help of my city cordinator @ceendy20 who has always been a standby help. I could always call on her anytime. Her patience is remarkable. So I've done my achievements to Achievement 4 which just got verified two days ago. Am warming up to do my achievement 5. Am looking forward to finish all my achievements before month end. I've also applied for the 500sp minnow support for newcomers and I look forward to that support from the community.

What things have you learned that you did not know before coming to Steemit?

I must say that I've learnt a lot from steemit. I've learnt how to think and come on up quality contents. The contests has been challenging and top notch. It pushes me to be the best even though I've not won any of the contests but I'll keep pushing. The no plagiarism rule has made me original. I also learn to site sources and give people credit when I use their work on my contents. The most interesting part is the markdowns I learnt. I love the markdowns on steemit. I've learnt to be detailed and pay attention to little details and this is as a result of the contest rules.
I'd say I've grown even in people relationship too. I know there's still a lot to learn and am all out to learn more and improve.

What have you not learned or yet do not understand? And what are your doubts about it?

I've not know about curation, witnessing and etc. I still have alot to learn about steemit which I believe il cover when am done with my Achievement 5 and 6. Am yet to understand how the voting system works. Why others get more and some less and some nothing. I had my doubts about how the voting goes. I know I try to make quality posts but gets no votes, I once complained and someone said I should keep creating quality contents and with time I'd get the recognition I desire. So am not quitting.

Name at least two nice people you've met and tell us what they did to win you over.

I've met several people on steemit. One of them is @giftye and @jovita30. I was discouraged about my contents not getting votes. So they encouraged me and also put me through one or two things I didn't know. Through their encouragement I made up my mind not to quit steemit. So I'd like to thank them for their support so far.

Which user do you admire or is an example to follow for you?

I admire my city cordinator @ceendy20. Her passion for steemit is contagious and she's been a medium through which many people in our city have joined steemit. She also introduced me to steemit. I'd like to follow her example.

How do you see yourself in 6 months on steemit? What is your goal? How many Steem Powers do you expect to build during that 6-month period?

I want to have learnt everything about steemit and I intend to accomplish this my completing my achievements tasks. I want to visit the FAQs section and study it thoroughly to know all about steemit. I want to be a city representative in the next six months and I want to grow my steem power up to #10,000 steem power. I intend to achieve this my reinvesting my earnings back to build my steem power, create more quality posts, curating and even investing external funds to achieve that. I also hope to be a moderate in some communities or even create a community myself.

What would you tell a friend to join steemit.

I'd simply use myself as a case study to talk to my friends. I'll tell them all I've learnt and how steemit has impacted my life positively as I explained in what I've learnt from steemit, the financial prospect not left out. I'd encourage them to join steemit for better life.

Thank you for going through my posts. Your comments are welcomed.
I want to invite @lewas-writes, @giftye, @amazingcyndy to participate in this contest.

 3 years ago 

Hi @alexanderpeace.

I really enjoyed reading your post. Although you have little time on Steemit, you are enthusiastic.

I hope you can continue learning on Steemit, perseverance and patience are important.

I hope that you can also achieve all the goals that you have in Steemit.
Thank you for participating in this contest, I wish you great success. :D

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much. Your words are encouraging. Il be patient and persevere.

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