Dream Gift for my Mother

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago (edited)

Hi Great Steemians,

According to the month, May we continually see good fortunes. If I were to choose another woman to be my mom, I would rather remain unborn. In this life or in the life to come, I would wish to have Mrs. Iquo Udoekong as my amiable mom. I do not think any woman in the present or in future will have an impact even close to that which my mom have had in my life.


After my creator, the next most important person in my life is my mom. This is undisputed. I would have loved to wish I could really repay her or recompense her to be commensurate with the great sacrifices this amazing woman has made for me. In truth, nothing I do will match my mother's work in my life.

When looking back, I am not even able to index all the tremendous things that my sweet mom has done for me. Right from the months of carrying my heavy bunch on her to looking after me from infant till this very moment, my mother has done great.

For the love I have for my mom, I have a whole lot of plans for her. Not simply as a appreciation for her wonderful deeds but as a token of my love and respect for her. For starters, I want to give my mom a very wonderful retirement package. As a teacher, I am aware that she will one day retire.

Once she retires, I want to set up my own pension plan for her. Here, she will be receiving a month allowance in her account. This is to help her fund her light expenses and handle some stuff by herself.

Also , I would make arrangement for my mom to take to have a private assistant. Unfortunately, myself and my siblings are a bit far away and I am even planning to stay quite some distance from her. So, she will have need for someone around with her. Even though I don't travel far, I will be with a wife soon and will not be able to look after her ad much as is necessary. Thus, she will need someone to cook her meals do her laundry and all the likes. Equally, this person will also be a companion for her.

Comfort is a necessity for the elderly. Thus, I plan to provide my mom with as much comfort as is humanly possible. From her home, to appliances, to mobility, to her environment, everything will be as comfortable as they should. I will get her a personal cat and a driver who will take her to where ever she wants.
When someone start aging, such a person begins to have health challenges. To avoid this for my mom, I plan to hire a private doctor who will be going to check up on her weekly. I will also get a perosonal trainer for her on physical fitness. This trainer will ensure that my mom is hale and hearty.
Right now, I am already advising her on her choice of diet. To be more careful, I will get dietician to plan out her diet based on a doctors recommendation. This way, I will ensure that my mom does not take anything harmful or detrimental to her health in the long run.
Birthdays are great opportunities for us to show love and affection. I have a big even in stock to celebrate my mom. Either on her 70th or 80th birthday, I plan to organize a very elaborate and exquisite birthday dinner in her honor. In this dinner, there will be lots of gifts for her, a lot of eulogy and goodwill. I will invite all her friends nd love one to come and celebrate with us.

My truly deserves the best and to be greater ability, I will give her just that. The best of life.
These are a few of the plans I have for my fresh mother. As a grateful and loyal son, I will ensure that she gets the best out of life.



Everything that is desired from the heart can be achieved with hard work and dedication.
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